It is has been a year since Joe Biden became president, and his always unimpressive leadership is only getting worse.

COVID-19 is still killing people. In the beginning of the pandemic the liberals berated President Trump for a situation that was caused by China. And more people died from 2021 to 2022 than died in 2020; Biden was not able to create a safer environment for Americans, as he promised.

Just as Biden has failed in fixing the COVID-19 situation, he and his liberal spending policies ahave created inflation that is harming the middle and working classes. The political left in the United States has contributed to unlimited spending and distribution of cash without a logical plann to reduce the inflation, and hence they are damaging the economy. ’Unleashing’ the budget as they are trying to do is not a solution to hard times; on the contrary, it is lowering the value of our currency and resulting in price hikes necessity items.

Biden’s foreign-policy failure devastated Afghanistan and displaced thousands of people. This president’s poorly timed troop withdrawal caused the deaths of our solders and an unnecessary influx of immigrants to the United States. During this difficult time of inflation and a surge in COVID-19 cases, the Biden administration has only added more burdens to the shoulders of Americans.

It is time to vote the Democrats out of the office to return us all to normal life.


Roanoke, Va.

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