- The Washington Times - Thursday, January 13, 2022

Sen. Ted Cruz, in a Senate hearing, questioned the FBI’s Jill Sanborn about the identity and activities of a man, Ray Epps, who was caught on video calling for Jan. 6, 2021, protesters to physically enter the U.S. Capitol; who was catcalled by others on Capitol Hill that day as a “fed”; and who was mysteriously listed then delisted from the bureau’s “wanted” for questioning-slash-arrest list of Jan. 6 offenders. Good questions. But for the answer, it was mostly crickets.

Who is Ray Epps? — Cruz asked.

Who is John Galt? — might as well have been Sanborn’s answer.

That’s like saying, a la Ayn Rand “Atlas Shrugged”-like, “Who knows?” or “Why ask me — how would I know?” 

The left wants it believed that Epps is a figment of far-right conspiracy theory imaginations.

“House Jan. 6 Committee debunks Capitol riot conspiracy theory around obscure rallygoer,” USA Today wrote.

“Jan. 6 Committee Knocks Down ‘False Flag’ Conspiracy Pushed by Tucker [Carlson, of Fox News] and Cruz,” The Daily Beast wrote.

“Jan. 6 committee dismisses Ray Epps conspiracy theory, issues new subpoenas,” NBC News wrote.

“Jan. 6 Panel Seeks to Debunk Unfounded Theory About F.B.I. Role in Riot,” The New York Times wrote.

Yet, video clearly shows Epps instructing others in the Jan. 6 crowds last year on Capitol Hill to go into the congressional building by saying, at one point, “I don’t even like to say it because I’ll be arrested. I’ll say it. We need to go into the Capitol,” and at another point, “we need to go into the Capitol, into the Capitol.” The crowd, as captured on video, then chants at Epps, “fed, fed, fed.” Another video shows Epps yelling at a different crowd, “OK, folks, spread the word. As soon as the president is done speaking, we got to the Capitol. The Capitol is this direction.” 

FBI plant?

A false flag event?

Epps denies he was a plant. The Democrats’ Jan. 6 committee scoffs at both notions — Epps as a plant; Jan. 6 as fueled by the FBI — and dismisses such talk as right-wing conspiracy.

But his name was removed from the Justice Department’s Jan. 6 suspect list. And Americans aren’t told why.

Federal prosecutors have charged more than 700 for inciting riots, disorderly conduct, civil disorder and other reasons — but Epps, videotaped calling for crowds to enter the Capitol, is not among the 700. Epps, videotaped for doing basically what Democrats say President Trump did — incite illegal and criminal acts of violence — is not among the 700. Why? Why not?

Who is Ray Epps?

Who is John Galt?

“Unfortunately,” Cruz said in the aftermath of his unsuccessful questioning of Sanborn, “under Joe Biden, we have seen an incredibly partisan Department of Justice. And both the Department of Justice and the FBI have an arrogance that they are not accountable to anyone, that they can stonewall.”

Ahem, Russia collusion.

Gesundheit, Steele dossier.

The Justice Department is hardly blind — or nonpartisan. Asking questions about Ray Epps, in this definitely partisan atmosphere, in this day and age of weaponizing the Deep State for political gain, certainly seems in line with both Americanism and logic. Given what we know about the use of federal law enforcement to tap journalists’ records, to fabricate Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court documents, to spy on American citizens, it’d actually be less sane to not raise questions about Epps.

Trusting in government is just not called for at this point.

Cruz asks what all the American people who aren’t obedient sheep and tools of the left want to know: Did federal agents or their informants commit crimes on Jan. 6? Did agents or informants encourage others to commit crimes? Was Ray Epps a fed?

“Sir, I cannot answer that question,” Sanborn said.

“Sir, I cannot answer that question,” Sanborn said again.

Why not? Why not just say yes or no — and put an end to the debate?

Who is John Galt?

The duck and dodge from our “I am zee law” public servants continues.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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