- Thursday, January 13, 2022

Ron Johnson’s title is United States senator, but he is still the same small business owner and accountant I met years ago. I was a candidate for governor of Wisconsin, and we scheduled a time to meet him. He gave me a tour of his plastics company.  

Mr. Johnson understood the work being done by his employees. More importantly, he personally knew each of them. As we toured the factory floor, Mr. Johnson would introduce me to one after another and explain how their work was key to the company’s overall success. He also understood the responsibility he had as an employer. Each team member had bills to pay and families to care for. 

He did not take that responsibility lightly.

At the end of the tour, Mr. Johnson and I sat down in a small little conference room for what I later called the interview. He wanted to know exactly what I was going to do to solve the economic and fiscal crises facing the people of Wisconsin. I went through, in great detail, the plans we had to get our state moving forward. Once I was done, he made a commitment to support my candidacy. And he followed through on it.

Months and months later, he was a guest speaker at a rally about the many problems with Obamacare. He told the story of his daughter and her amazing journey through the health care system. His passion was real. So was his logic. The two together made him a tremendous campaigner — even though he was a reluctant candidate. 

In the Senate, he is a bold advocate for the people of Wisconsin — just like he was for his employees as a small business owner. He is a fierce defender of free enterprise — because he has seen it work. And he is a proponent of sound fiscal policy — which he learned as an accountant. 

Mr. Johnson understands that he can help counter the radical agenda being pushed in Washington. He will help provide balance to a very left-leaning federal government. Without him, President Biden will likely continue to drift toward a radical agenda and sink our nation further and further into debt and decay. 

The list of those who want to replace Mr. Johnson reads like a comedy of errors. One used his wealth and privilege to jump the line for a COVID-19 shot before elderly people like my mother could even schedule an appointment. Alex Lasry seems to be hoping that his family’s money — made in New York City — can buy an election in the Heartland of America.

Putting criminals back on the streets is part of the agenda of another would-be opponent to Sen. Johnson. The current lieutenant governor actually advocated for ending cash bail not long before a demon, who was released on a mere $500, allegedly drove his red SUV into innocent grandparents and children in the Waukesha Christmas Parade. 

Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes pushes for higher taxes, even as he has a hard time paying them himself. Past news reports from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel show him being delinquent on property taxes for multiple years.

Then there is the state treasurer who didn’t even live in the state until a few years ago. Ironically, State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski was the deputy political director for Hillary Clinton’s failed campaign in Wisconsin, yet she reportedly never even registered to vote before the November 2016 election. 

As if that was not enough, there is also a local official running who thinks the third time’s the charm. Previously, Tom Nelson lost the race for lieutenant governor. Then, he lost a race for Congress. Now, he hopes to jump to the U.S. Senate.

Even though each of these potential opponents to Mr. Johnson come with amazing amounts of baggage, the radical left will be all in to take him out. Not only would he be part of a potential Republican majority — he is a free thinker. Independence: The powers in Washington don’t want that. They want someone they can control. 

Mr. Johnson asks questions, and he wants answers. He is not afraid to look into issues when others shy away. He is not afraid to challenge powerful people — including some in his own party. 

He is the same small business owner and accountant I met many years ago. Without a doubt, he has more experience, and that helps him push back against the Washington bureaucracy on behalf of taxpayers in Wisconsin. 

I believe that the most important thing driving Mr. Johnson’s decision to run for reelection is his passion for protecting future generations who will be stuck with a bunch of really big messes if we don’t turn things around in America. He has seen the trillions being added to the national debt. He understands that few — even within his own party — are eager to challenge this crisis. Thankfully, Mr. Johnson is willing to lead the charge to protect freedom and fiscal sanity.

• Scott Walker is the president of Young America’s Foundation and served as the 45th governor of Wisconsin from 2011 to 2019. 

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