- The Washington Times - Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Dr. Anthony Fauci was captured in a hot mic moment calling Sen. Roger Marshall, a Republican doctor from Kansas, a “moron” because he didn’t like being questioned about his financial disclosures as they relate to the coronavirus and vaccines.

This says all Americans need to know about Fauci. Arrogant, disrespectful, condescending to the core. Blasphemous, too.

He’s the highest-paid bureaucrat in the U.S. government — and for that, taxpayers get treated with derision.

In a heated back-and-forth on Capitol Hill, Marshall — whose life outside of Washington, D.C., includes that of an obstetrician — displayed an oversized check of Fauci’s annual salary, about $434,312, in context of asking about his investments, his financial disclosure documents and his funneling of federal dollars for gain-of-funding research in the Wuhan lab. Fauci responded, in part, with this supposed-to-be-but-oops-was-not off-microphone comment: “What a moron. Jesus Christ.”

How revealing.

It’s not simply the senator who Fauci regards as a “moron.” It’s anyone in America who wonders similarly to the senator.

Depressingly lacking from this whole two years of coronavirus madness is any mainstream media harping on the curious connections between Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Tech and how certain key players in these industries have scored massive financial wins — windfalls, actually — even as the rest of the world, the rest in America, have suffered. But while many in the media have turned blind eyes to these curiouser and curiouser connected revenue streams, many, many more in America have looked quizzically at the facts.

That’s when the facts aren’t thrown from the ring, that is.

Marshall’s line of questioning to Fauci came on the heels of headlines like this: “Fed Vice Chair Is Latest Official to Quit in Trading Scandal,” from U.S. News, and “Top Federal Reserve official resigns after trades revealed,” from Axios, and “Fed’s No. 2 official resigns amid trading scandal,” from Politico. It also came on the heels of this report from Forbes, from December 2021: “On January 27 and May 17, 2021, we asked NIH for Dr. Fauci’s fiscal year 2020 and 2021 financial and conflict-or-interest disclosure forms; job descriptions; and all employment contracts, amendments, modifications, and addendums’ respectively. Dr. Fauci is required by federal law to file these forms with his employer [NIH]. It has been nine months and NIH has yet to produce most of the requested documents.”

So it’s out there.

The question lingers. Fauci says he’s an open book; that those who want his financial statements can see his financial statements. But the question, for many, as media reports show, still lingers.

Thing is, Marshall wasn’t making a targeted attack without cause. He wasn’t fabricating a scandal. He wasn’t pulling thin Russia collusion-like accusations out of the air simply to score political points.

He simply wanted to know.

Fauci, conversely, simply wanted to hide.

Marshall, in response to being called a moron by the highest-paid public servant in the federal government, said in a statement posted on his Senate website: “I understand that Anthony Fauci had a very frustrating day: having a bombshell report show he in fact did award U.S. tax dollars for gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and being called out about his personal financial disclosure during the COVID pandemic NOT being publicly available must be very frustrating. Calling me a moron during a Senate hearing may have alleviated the stress of the least trusted bureaucrat in America, but it didn’t take away from the facts.”

Nope, it certainly didn’t.

What Fauci calling Marshall a “moron” did do, however, was raise even more red flags about the financial streams that opened for many in the vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate at all costs movement — of which Fauci leads.

It raised red flags about the utter lack of respect Fauci has for elected officials to whom he’s supposed to account — and, by logical extension, the taxpaying Americans who elected the officials in the first place.

And it raised red flags about the continuous walk toward tyranny of bureaucratic elites who turn every Fauci medical advisement into burdensome commands and civil rights-stripping dictates and unconstitutional orders to the good and free citizens of America — and who continue to do so, despite the real and truthful science saying lockdowns, clampdowns, shutdowns are completely unnecessary.

Fire Fauci.

Fire Fauci and investigate Fauci — as well as all those who’ve exploited tax dollars to bank more money from recent coronavirus-tied investments than most Americans imagine earning in their lifetimes.

That’s a long list, no doubt. Probably nonpartisan, too.

But start with Fauci.

Sen. Rand Paul, Kentucky Republican, who’s been outing Fauci for deceptions and lies for some time, has a “Fire Fauci” message on his senatorial fundraising page. Well, it’s a worthy cause to support. Fire Fauci. It may be the only way to get America back on track to freedom.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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