There is ample reason why the Republican Party has long been labeled the Stupid Party (“Greene promises to keep fighting ’civil war’ in GOP,” Page 1, Feb. 7). Some of them are apt to betray their own, indulging in back-stabbing siding with the Democrats in order to get ahead in their own careers (and sacrificing party and country in the process).

In contrast, the Democrats are party-oriented. By and large they tow the party line and never vary — no matter their own personal opinion. Democrats are all-for-one-and-one-for-all; they are consolidated. They are a prime example of party-first-country-last mentality. The Republicans are a prime example of me first, party second and country last. Keep up the good fight, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. I’m praying somehow your message gets through the GOP’s thick skulls.


Vienna, Va.

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