- The Washington Times - Saturday, February 5, 2022

Once upon a time, the concept of natural immunity was a given — a God-given, in fact. That is to say that humans are equipped by their Creator with the inherent ability to fight off diseases. And that was recognized biology — settled science, so to speak.

Then along came the coronavirus. 

Then came the politicization of the coronavirus. And all those years and years of common-sense-meets-science flew out the window.

Never let a crisis go to waste.

Left-leaning elitists and globalists working their partners in Big Pharma and Big Tech seized the moment to grow both bank accounts and personal powers. Social media successfully stifled any talk of coronavirus policy views that differed from Big Government’s lines. 

Natural immunity wasn’t just hushed.

It was made to appear radical and dangerous.

“Why Is There Such Reluctance to Discuss Natural Immunity?” the American Institute for Economic Research asked in a headline in June of 2021.

Good question. Great question.

And it’s one that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is finally recognizing as needful of answering, as well.

A recent CDC report that looked at COVID-19 cases in California and New York — the two states with arguably the strictest coronavirus clamp-downs on freedoms — concluded that “surviving COVID-19 provides excellent natural immunity not only [against] repeat infection but also to hospitalization and death for the delta variant,” The Hill wrote.

Welcome to the world of sanity, CDC.

That’s after weeks, months, years even of headlines like this: “Vaccines beat natural immunity in fight against COVID-19,” as Johns Hopkins University Hub wrote in September 2021. 

Or this: “Why COVID-19 Vaccines Offer Better Protection Than Infection,” as Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health wrote in May 2021.

Seems the scientific community is coming ‘round to — wait, what’s this? — what the scientific community itself recognized as truth for oh, so many decades. Finally. About time. About freaking time.

“Natural Immunity More Potent Than Vaccines During Delta Wave In US: Study,” Agence France-Presse wrote in January.

“Prior COVID infection more protective than vaccination during Delta surge — U.S. study,” Reuters wrote, also in January.

Of course, the Big Pharma’s Always Right crowd can’t let go completely of the need for vaccines.

The CDC’s researchers found that vaccination, pre-delta, was more powerful than natural immunity against COVID, and that the better, best, bestest of all protection, even now, was having “enhanced” immunity — such as catching COVID, surviving COVID, but still having vaccinations against COVID. (Gotta use up all those stores of vaccinations, dontcha know.)

Anyhow, the real question now is: Where do we go from here?

Now that the scientific community is finally awakening to the idea that, hey now, perhaps thousands of individuals were vaccinated who didn’t have to be vaccinated — ain’t tax money great! — and that ho, now, perhaps thousands of people were fired who didn’t have to be fired — and all the Anthony Fauci types go, ‘Oops! My bad!’ — the next piece of the puzzle deals with the return to normalcy.


This is a decision that two-plus years of failed coronavirus policy and two-plus years of disastrous societal, economic, educational and constitutional outcomes demands be taken out of the hands of the so-called experts.

Only America’s citizens can answer that question.

And for those who value liberty, the answer is decidedly, resoundingly, emphatically now.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

For more information, visit The Washington Times COVID-19 resource page.

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