A number of so-called human rights groups have gratuitously attacked Israel for years — while ignoring the rampant Islamic terrorism and abuses of Israel’s neighbors, both in the Middle East and abroad (“Amnesty joins rights groups in accusing Israel of apartheid,” Web, Feb. 1).

Israel is not responsible for the Palestinian Authority and Hamas kleptocracies controlling the lives of Arabs in Judea, Samaria and Gaza. Under international law, Israel includes the disputed territories. There are no “occupied territories.” That Israel acceded to share its land with the people who launched a war of genocide against it is to its credit. No other country ever treated a vanquished aggressor this well.

In World War II, for example, we fire-bombed Germany into submission, cut the country into four and tried and hanged its leaders. Israel offered the Palestinian Arabs their own state in part of the ancestral Jewish homeland — and were rebuffed repeatedly. They were egged on by dishonest NGOs, whose goal was and still is to accumulate wealth, much of it from George Soros and the notoriously anti-Semitic Ford and Rockefeller foundations.

Amnesty International, Human rights Watch, B’Tselem and others make a career out of maligning Israel, the only country in the Middle East and North Africa where Jews, Christians, Muslims, Baha’i, women and gays are free to pursue their dreams and raise their families in safety.

The delegitimization of Israel is baseless and offensive to those struggling under oppressive regimes everywhere.


Author, “Unfinished Work: Letters in Defense of Israel, the Jewish People and the Truth”

Deerfield Beach, Fla.

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