One would think Biden had learned not to make race and gender the criteria of selection to a position, given how his vice-presidential pick turned out (“Biden’s Supreme Court discrimination,” Web, Jan. 28). However, this inept, unqualified, incapable and evil man got just what he and his ilk wanted: racism and division, a demeaned candidate, an attempted political payoff and distraction.

Saying that only a “woman of color” will be considered is just as a racist as a notice saying “Blacks need not apply” or a sign on a water fountain or restroom door reading “Whites only.” However, it appeals to white and Black racists as well as paternalistic white liberals wallowing in assumed guilt.

Had President Lyndon Johnson made such public announcement before offering the associate justice position to Thurgood Marshall, would Marshall have even accepted the job (despite being highly qualified)?

Finally, Biden diminishes the honorable court and its members by attempting to turn the vacancy into a political payoff as well as a cheap and shoddy distraction from the long-term negative factors affecting the lives of many Black people. When Dr, Ralph Bunche was appointed under secretary of the United Nations, a Black woman asked for comment responded that “the food Ralph Bunche eats doesn’t fill my stomach.” Likewise, long-existing issues in the Black communities will not be solved with the coming appointment. But Biden thinks it will be a satisfactory distraction and political payoff. May all the voters prove him wrong.


Silver Spring, Md.

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