- The Washington Times - Monday, February 21, 2022

Another election and another elaborate ruse by Russian President Vladimir Putin to interfere in U.S. elections. And — as always — on behalf of the Democrats.

As Hillary Clinton would say, it’s just another day that ends in “Y.” Har har har. Get it? She may forever be America’s next president, but at least she is funny. In a canned sort of way when you have staffers manage your Twitter account.

Not funny: President Biden.

After a half-century in Washington being wrong about everything, Mr. Biden is pioneering new depths of unpopularity among voters and scaling new heights of misery. And crime. And inflation. And gas prices. And illegal immigrants invading our southern border.

Things are so bad that Democratic Party leaders in Washington finally found their pants, put them on and pretended to be adults again. They ordered the left-wing loons who hijacked the party to shut up.

No more “defund the police” talk. Gestapo COVID-19 mandates are dropping everywhere. And nary a word anymore about free health care for illegals — barely two years after Mr. Biden and every Democrat running for president promised exactly that during one of their primary debates.

And — just like clockwork — when Democrats in Washington have nowhere else to turn and nothing good to talk about, in rides Mr. Putin to their rescue.


Democrats’ favorite boogyman ordered a hundred thousand soldiers to his border with Ukraine just in time to change the dreadful conversation going into this year’s election. Finally, the Biden administration found a border that their “border czar” will defend.

What was the first clue that Democrats were colluding with Mr. Putin to interfere in our elections? Well, as always, it was when they accused former President Donald Trump and Republicans of colluding with Mr. Putin to interfere in elections. That’s just Democrat 101. Always accuse your opponent of what you are guilty of.

Racism. Lawlessness. Bullying. Insurrection.

But no false flag operation by Democrats has been more elaborate or more successful than their Russian collusion election scams.

For five years they accused Mr. Trump and Republicans of colluding with Mr. Putin to rig the election. It was a whole of government effort that included the FBI, Congress and, of course, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign. And the media.

We now know with total certainty that there was no such collusion by Mr. Trump or Republicans. The only collusion with Russians to interfere in our elections was conducted by the Clinton campaign, Democrats in Congress and the most powerful actors inside the U.S. government. In a massive, dizzyingly complicated conspiracy, they all conspired with Mr. Putin to spread anti-Trump lies fed to them directly from the Kremlin.

Now they are doing it again in Ukraine in hopes of salvaging something before this year’s elections, throwing Mr. Biden a foreign policy political lifeline just as he is drowning here at home.

But a quick warning for Mr. Biden before he launches into yet another war he will later regret.

The highest approval in history for any president ever recorded by Gallup found 90-plus percent approval for President George H.W. Bush in the aftermath of the 1991 Gulf War launched to protect the territorial integrity of Kuwait. The next year, Mr. Bush was bounced out of office because he was obsessed with matters abroad while voters suffered at home.

Remember, it was the economy, stupid.

• Charles Hurt is the opinion editor at The Washington Times. 

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