The question of “What are Republicans for?” raised in “Democrats devise plan to beat odds in midterms, hold on to House majority” (Web, Jan. 31) doesn’t require a rocket science or even a political science degree to answer. The foundation of the GOP can be captured in three words: freedom, security and prosperity.

These concepts have become increasingly relevant to Americans over the past year of one-party government, as mindlessly excessive authoritarian COVID-19 decrees and restrictions have impinged relentlessly upon personal choice, violent crime has soared and millions of unvetted and unvaccinated illegal aliens have accepted the administration’s invitation to walk across the “closed” southern border. At the same time, inflation and supply-chain shortages have eroded the purchasing power of ordinary people.

Simply put, Americans have lost confidence in the Democratic Party and in the illiberal left wing that controls it. They are an organization incapable of managing an ice-cream stand, much less a great nation.

If the election were held today, Joe Biden in all likelihood would go down to an ignominious defeat, even if he were running for the high office of municipal moth warden or school crossing-guard supervisor. Democratic House candidates face similar prospects.


Cabin John, Md.

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