The recently released Durham report finally disclosed the truth about the Clinton campaign’s 2016-2017 espionage scheme to defame and bring down the Trump presidency.

Hillary Clinton funded — and her minions egregiously conducted — White House spy operations to subvert a sitting president, the institution of the presidency itself and American democracy as a constitutional republic. Such evil activity is unprecedented in the annals of American politics.

This Jake Sullivan character, now national security adviser, served as an instrumental player in this espionage campaign. He must, without question, be summarily removed from his position immediately.

Mrs. Clinton devised this scheme by providing funding to tech firm Newstar and intermediary Michael Sussmann to feed lies to the FBI that former President Donald Trump colluded with the Russians, which then served as launching points for FISA warrants against Trump associates and a two-year nonsensical investigation by Robert Mueller.

To compound this scurrilous situation, network, cable and print media, along with Big Tech, acted with nefarious complicity in their collective attempts to drive the lie that Trump was colluding with the Russians. But what else is to have been expected from these collective Trump haters? They carried Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Based upon public records involving a Jan. 6, 2017, White House meeting, Biden, Obama, Comey, Clapper and Brennan knew — unequivocally — of the Clinton plot against Trump. Yet the problem remains: These Marxist, socialist mainstream-media types will refuse to provide the necessary coverage of this Clinton subterfuge.

Hopefully, in the final analysis, Durham will be able to defeat these media barriers.


Terre Haute, Indiana

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