- The Washington Times - Thursday, February 17, 2022

A new poll from Pew Research Center finds that Americas across all political walks have lost trust in scientists, and are now wondering whether these brainiacs truly have in mind and hold in heart the best interests of the people when it comes to their medical advisements, recommendations, suggestions and commands.

Well, it’s about time the people lost confidence in the purveyors of the so-called science. As gate guards of truth go, they truly suck at their jobs.

Not all; not all scientists and not all science regarding the coronavirus have been false, fabricated, distorted, exploited. But enough have so that freedom has fallen to hysteria. And the takeaway from these last two-plus years of government mandates, government dictates, government shutdowns and clampdowns and unconstitutional power grabs is this: Never again.

Never again should scientists and their science, with their partners in politics and Big Pharma, be allowed to supersede the right and ability of the individual to make individual and family choices. Scientists must always stay subservient to the Constitution, to the cause of liberty, to the ideal of individualism, to the concept of rights coming from God, not government.

Americans, for more than two years, have been treated more like pingpong balls than humans, and by the very ones who’ve claimed to be in the business of serving and protecting. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said this; the World Health Organization said that; Dr. Anthony Fauci said this then that then this again — and all along Americans were told to listen to their own personal doctors, but only if their personal doctors counseled whatever the science of the day was serving. And sometimes, even the day’s science changed.

And sometimes, even the teachers unions knew better than the scientists, especially when it came to face masks.

And sometimes, even the Democratic governors knew better, especially when it came to choosing which businesses could stay open, which churches should close.

And sometimes, even the president of the United States — meaning Joe Biden, but certainly not Donald Trump — knew better, when it came to taking COVID-19 vaccines and boosters and more boosters and more boosters.

“Public confidence in scientists and medical scientists has declined over the last year,” Pew reported.

You don’t say.

“Overall, 29% of U.S. adults say they have a great deal of confidence in medical scientists to act in the best interests of the public, down from 40% who said this in November 2020. Similarly, the share with a great deal of confidence in scientists to act in the public’s best interests is down by 10 percentage points (from 39% to 29%),” Pew wrote

Once again, it’s the Democrats who continue to rely on the “science” — on the “scientists.” The left’s logic seems to be the more letters after a person’s name, the more blind obedience ought to be given the person — so long as that person is a Democrat, that is. 

Among Democrats and independents who lean Democrat, “nine-in-ten express either a great deal (44%) or a fair amount (46%) of confidence in medical scientists to act in the public’s best interests,” Pew wrote. “However, the share [of Dems] expressing strong confidence in medical scientists has fallen 10 points since November 2020.”

By contrast, only 15% of Republicans and those leaning Republican now express a “great deal of confidence” in the medical scientists of the world, down from 31% in April of 2020 and 26% in November of 2020. Fully 34% of Republicans now say that have little-to-no confidence in scientists who work in the medical fields to act and advise in the best interest of the citizens.

You know what all this means, don’t you?

It means that the best chance America has to return to what scientists like Fauci call a pre-pandemic normalcy is to get rid of as many Democrats from public service as possible.

Democrats are the ones buying into the flip-flops of coronavirus science and selling it on the wings of fear to the American people. Democrats are the ones being duped. Either that, or Democrats are the ones purposely using hyped, faked, false coronavirus-based fears for political weaponry.

Either way, the science on this is clear: Democrats must go for Americans to be free.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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