Sunday, February 13, 2022

It is baffling how elected leaders in whom voters place their trust can so forcefully attempt to transform modern life into something unrecognizable, yet remain so unbothered by the torment their actions cause everyday citizens. While prosecuting his war on fossil fuels, President Biden has managed to maim the finances of the working families. Whether a result of personal conviction or far-left influence, his “green” handiwork deserves unconditional opposition. Americans owe each other nothing less.

A study published Tuesday by the conservative-leaning Heartland Institute found the average American household spent an additional
$1,000 on energy in 2021, thanks to Mr. Biden’s misguided policies. The rising price of gasoline for the family vehicles accounted for the bulk of the added cost — $600. On Wednesday, a gallon of regular hit a national average of $3.47 — exactly a dollar higher than on the same day a year ago. That deserves a plaque on the government-policy commemorative wall of shame.

Natural gas prices also skyrocketed, adding about $300 to the bill of Americans lucky enough to heat with gas. Pity those relying on oil
furnaces: With the price of a barrel of oil climbing 60% last year, they shelled out an extra grand just to heat their homes.

Electric bills rose an average of 8% nationwide. For U.S. industry, though, electricity expenses surged 15%, adding to
the production costs that are passed along to consumers in the form of higher prices for goods. The inflationary effect across all sectors to the economy is now costing the average U.S. household an additional $276 a month, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis published

Thursday. In January, prices climbed 7.5% year over year, reported the U.S. Labor Department, the steepest hike in 40 years.

The president’s actions — canceling the Keystone XL pipeline and blocking new fossil fuel extraction permits from federal lands among
them — snuffed out the nation’s rare status in 2020 as a net exporter of petroleum. After peaking at 12.9 million barrels a day in November 2019, domestic oil production fell dramatically to 10.9 million in September 2021 before climbing to 11.8 million in November.

As U.S. gas prices have soared, Mr. Biden has been reduced to pleading for a boost in oil production by hostile nations. Owing to his foolish attacks on domestic energy sources, the president risks subjecting the U.S. economy to a cutoff of now-critical foreign oil as he tangles with Russia over Ukraine and Iran over nukes.

How have citizens benefited from Biden policies that transformed the U.S. from an abundant-energy exporter to an oil-barrel beggar? By saving them from supposed death by halting a planetary meltdown, as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims is in the offing without the cutoff of fossil fuels? Only Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and her fellow climate neurotics could fall for that fable.

Oblivion to monumental policy failure deserves unyielding opposition, as well as an unflattering rejoinder. Our response: “Way to go, Joe
‘Brandon’ Biden.”

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