- The Washington Times - Saturday, February 12, 2022

Connecticut’s Democratic governor, Ned Lamont, said in his State of the State address that the citizens have done such a good job of obeying government mandates on the coronavirus that now they can have back some of their liberties — that they “have earned this freedom.”

Is he on China’s payroll or something?

Somebody tell this lunkhead that in America, citizens are born with certain inalienable rights — they’re born with God-given rights — and that the government is only in place to protect the rights citizens inherently possess. In other words: Lunkhead Lamont can’t give what he doesn’t own in the first place.

“I appreciate the authority you have granted me to keep this state safe for almost two years during the pandemic,” he said, as Fox News reported. He referenced a roll-back of school face mask mandates and said, “from a public health perspective, you have earned this freedom.”

Good job, citizens. Good job. Head pats all around. Is that how Lamont truly sees his relationship with the people who pay his salary?

Answer: yes. All Democrats do.

Democrats want obedience and ultimately, worship. The blinder the obedience, the faster it leads to worship. The key in this scenario is what Lamont himself referenced: “I appreciate the authority you have granted me …”

Fear drove far too many in America to allow government too many overreaches these past two years, and it’s time to put the public servants back in their proper roles.

Just because Democrats and elitists and globalists have exploited the pandemic to push for powers, and seize powers, and steal powers the Constitution doesn’t grant, doesn’t mean the Democrats and elitists and globalists now rightfully own those powers. The coronavirus didn’t change the Constitution. The pandemic didn’t change the fact that in America, rights for the individual come from God.

Lamont and people like Lamont would like it forgotten that American citizens are born into freedom so that the political class can become the giver and taker of liberties.

Remember this, from April 2020?

“I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this,” said New Jersey’s Democratic governor, Phil Murphy, to Tucker Carlson of Fox News, who asked about the state leader’s egregious overreach of powers and shut-down of religious gatherings due to concerns about COVID-19.

That was an enlightening remark.

So is Lamont’s.

Make no mistake about it, Democrat governors are only ceding back powers to the people and calling for ends to face mask mandates and returns to pre-COVID normalcies because polls show the party’s headed for a trouncing in the mid-terms. 

If Democrats had their way, they’d face mask forever.

They’d mandate forever.

They’d control and regulate and dictate forever.

Democrats, like China’s communists, truly believe they know best how to run citizens’ lives. 

In 2012, actor Jamie Foxx called Barack Obama “our lord and savior” at a Soul Train awards ceremony.

That’s an enlightening remark, too. How so?

It made all the other Democrats jealous.

For more information, visit The Washington Times COVID-19 resource page.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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