- The Washington Times - Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Department of Homeland Security sent ‘round a warning to police in America about the possibility of truckers here getting their Canada on and setting up blockades in the streets to protest vaccine mandates.

Who’d have thought liberation from crazy coronavirus clampdowns would come by way of delivery drivers?

Truckers unite! It’s Karl Marx methodology for modern times — and you’d think, given the communist ties, the Democrats would be lapping this up, applauding the truckers, cheering the movement.

But no.

The left is aghast — appalled, even.

Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, is so aghast and appalled, as a matter of fact, that he had to overcome his very untimely bout of COVID-19 and abandon his self-imposed quarantining to come out and call out the truckers blocking his office window view as racists. Swastika waving racists, to be specific.

And now Team Biden might be facing that same plight?

“[DHS] has received reports of truck drivers potentially planning to block roads in major metropolitan cities in the United States in protest of, among other things, vaccine mandates,” the agency wrote in a memo reported by The Hill. “The convoy will potentially begin in California early as mid-February, potentially impacting the Supreme Bowl scheduled for 13 February and the State of the Union address scheduled for 1 March.”

It’s not entirely clear how potential is defined — if it’s “slim-to-none” chance or if it’s “get ready for the heat” likelihood. But there is a freedom Facebook page about it.

It’s called “The People’s Convoy” and social media talk is pushing for a Canada-like truckers’ run to Washington, D.C., this year.

Just think: If truckers wore Black Lives Matter t-shirts during the convoy, the Democrats would be in a real quandary.

As it is, leftists love the grassroots’ activism, the power-to-the-people punch, the stick-it-to-the-man rhetoric — the Molotov cocktail, brick-through-store-windows, set-those-cars-on-fire street gatherings — until the activism and gathering and protest takes a turn away from Democrat-slash-socialist will and toward anything that reeks of individual freedom.

When antifa thugs  block off wide swaths of city streets and disrupt the normal course of doing business, it’s their individual freedoms, their individual rights. It’s a First Amendment issue.

But truckers fighting for the right to self-determine who dare to do the same? Who plan to do the same?

It’s anarchy. They’re anarchists. And they must be punished and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Hypocrisy is the primary platform of the Democratic Party.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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