The Georgia Senate race was of the utmost importance, yet the Republican Party failed to properly fund the Walker campaign (“‘What a mess!’: GOP’s loss in Georgia runoff sends shock waves through Trump world,” Web, Dec. 7). Why did Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell allow this to happen? Relatively few Republican senators went down to Georgia to help Herschel Walker. Why? Was the lackluster support for Mr. Walker simply passive-aggressive behavior aimed at former President Donald Trump? The Republican Party has cut off their nose to spite their face, putting themselves and the country in great danger.  

To avoid a monumental catastrophe, Senate Republicans need another Winston Churchill, not a Neville Chamberlain. Unfortunately, they have opted for the latter. Like the captain of the Titanic, President Biden is on a collision course, at full steam ahead. Yet Mr. McConnell seems to be OK with all of this, even suggesting that Republicans should meet the Democrats on the 40-yard line (his words).

Most Americans want the Democrats’ agenda stopped. On the very day the Democrats took power, Mr. McConnell and his RINO cohorts were working with the Democrats, helping and appeasing them, which resulted in an unmitigated disaster for our country. The national debt is now over $31 trillion, politicians in Washington are getting richer, Americans are getting poorer, our national security is weakening and our freedoms are evaporating.

With leaders like Mr. McConnell and Ronna McDaniel, the future for conservatism seems bleak. If House Republicans fail in 2023, the Republican Party is finished. Giving money to the Republican Party is an exercise in futility. They want my vote, money and support, but they couldn’t care less about solving the problems facing middle-class Americans, such as inflation, the border, the energy crisis and much more.


Chalmette, Louisiana

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