- Monday, December 5, 2022

The “Twitter Files” leak shows what we already knew: Twitter rigged the 2020 election to save candidate Joe Biden’s campaign and censor the truth.

Twitter “took extraordinary steps to suppress” the Hunter Biden laptop story, including locking then-White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany’s account after she shared the New York Post’s story.

Using tools originally “designed to combat the likes of spam and financial fraudsters,” staff and executives at Twitter caved to outside pressure to censor and stifle speech, “first a little, then more often, then constantly.” We now know that this wasn’t rogue Twitter employees. The directives came straight from Mr. Biden’s team and the Democratic National Committee.

A study from the Media Research Center shows that the suppression of this story was enough to swing the election to Mr. Biden. Nearly 10% of Mr. Biden’s voters say they wouldn’t have voted for him if they were aware of the Hunter Biden scandal.

Of course, there was more censorship in 2020 than Twitter’s action against the New York Post story. Search engine expert Robert Epstein found that Google’s manipulation of search results shifted 6 million votes toward Mr. Biden. Facebook also stepped in to censor ads from the Trump campaign.

What is most important to realize is that if they are willing to censor the leader of the free world, then-President Donald Trump, what are they willing to do to silence, control and manipulate you? It is Big Tech, controlled by leftists, working to stop our movement against the anti-America globalists. They are, in effect, silencing your voice and saying that your demands cannot be met.

They target Mr. Trump because of the threat he poses to the system. Mr. Trump was the first major Republican politician banished from the internet. The Big Tech cartel aligned to interfere in both 2016 and 2020 against him.

They are afraid of him because he is willing to do what no politician would: take on the system. That’s why we must get Mr. Trump back into the White House.

He will end this censorship. Mr. Trump is fighting to “break up big tech monopolies, reject left-wing cancel culture, and … restore the right to free speech in America.”

It’s no coincidence the censoring of the Hunter Biden story came as Mr. Trump proposed reforms to rein in the tech giants.

“If Big Tech persists, in coordination with the mainstream media, we must immediately strip them of their Section 230 protections,” Mr. Trump tweeted shortly before the 2020 election. “When government granted these protections, they created a monster!

Section 230 is the law that gives Facebook, YouTube and other tech firms immunity from legal action. It enables their silencing of dissent.

The censorship we see nowadays was not always commonplace. Big Tech’s censorship of conservatives ramped up with Mr. Trump. He was the catalyst for Silicon Valley’s election interference.

Just look at how many articles were written on the topic pre-Trump and post-Trump. Between 2010 and 2016, Breitbart wrote 26 articles with the keywords “social media” and “censorship.” Between 2016 and 2021, Breitbart wrote 115 articles with the same keywords.

Mr. Trump’s victory in 2016 not only ramped up censorship of conservatives online but provided a pretext for shutting up dissent. We see this in the leaked “Twitter files.” In an internal message advocating censoring the Hunter Biden story, Twitter moderation executive Yoel Roth cites the “lessons of 2016.” Mr. Trump’s 2024 campaign is the only answer to the Silicon Valley cartel and the radical left Democrats because he is the only person who can do the job that must be done.

• Taylor Budowich is the head of Make America Great Again Inc., a political action committee supporting Donald J. Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign.

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