As we approach the beginning of a new year, many of us are thinking about making resolutions. Some will resolve to lose weight, others to exercise more, still others to spend less money. Whatever the resolution, it’s likely to be broken early in the year. Instead, how about we all resolve to help make our world a better place?

We can be more kind to other people. We can help those less fortunate than we are. We can strive to do the right things when no one is watching. Let’s stop hating each other because we have different political views. Let’s stop stealing just because we can. Let’s stop destroying the property of others because we thought that it would be “cool” or funny.

God is called by many different names in our world. Christians refer to the Father and Jesus. In Judaism and Mormonism, God is often referred to as Elohim. In Islam, God is Allah. It matters not what religion; all refer to the same God.

Whether you believe in God or not, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all followed the words spoken by Jesus in Luke 6:31 and Matthew 7:12? “Do unto other as you would have them do unto you.” In our country, crime runs rampant, murders are commonplace and attacks on others are an everyday occurrence.

Most of the time it may feel as though there is nothing we can do as individuals to change our country, but there is. Make your New Year’s resolution to follow Jesus’ words even if you don’t believe in Jesus. The worst that can happen is that you will personally contribute to making our world a better place to live. 


Leesburg, Virginia

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