- The Washington Times - Monday, December 26, 2022

JERUSALEM — Democrats are in an uproar after Gov. Greg Abbott sent along three busloads of migrants to Vice President Kamala Harris’s home in Washington, D.C., on Christmas Eve, and they’re saying the Texas Republican “belongs in prison,” that he’s “worthless,” that he’s a “POS,“ and so forth and so on and so forth.

Harris likes her figgy pudding in peace, it seems.

“Worthless @GovAbbott dropping off people with no money and no means on Christmas Eve in 15 degree weather near the VP’s residence. How Christian of you, Greg Abbott. Being a heartless POS [piece of sh—] isn’t going to make you the next Republican President,” Rep. Joaquin Castro, a Democrat, tweeted.

No. It won’t.

But holding the Democrats accountable for their own actions just might.

Harris, like all Democrats, loves to open borders wide — so long as they don’t have to deal with the consequences of their open border, no border policies. 

It was just this past September Harris called the southern border “secure,” even as video after video showed the pouring of people across a very unsecured border, into America, into points unknown, into the taxpayer funded hotels of President Joe Biden’s making.

“Biden is spending $86 million on hotel rooms for migrants as his administration struggles to handle the surge of families and kids trying to come to the US,” Business Insider wrote in March of 2021.

And this, from The New York Times, in September, 2022: “Biden Administration Has Admitted One Million Migrants to Await Hearings.”

And this, again from The New York Times, same month, same year: “Arrests at Southwestern Border Exceed 2 Million in a Year for the First Time.”

And this, from NBC News in October: “Migrant border crossings in fiscal year 2022 topped 2.76 million, breaking previous record.”

And this, from CNN, just a few days ago: “This is what the crisis along the US border looks like” — followed by descriptions of thousands of migrants sleeping outside crowded tents, in the freezing cold, exposed to elements.

Crisis? That doesn’t sound very secure.

It also doesn’t sound very humane.

But Democrats, ever the political beasts, ever the party of hear no evil, see no evil, so there must be no evil — ever the hypocrites and users and exploiters of human misery — are quite OK with freezing-to-death migrants, so long as they don’t make too much noise on the evening news.

So long as, say, there aren’t 130 of them camped outside the vice president’s home on Christmas Eve for all the world to see.

“Gov Abbott abandoning children on the road on Christmas Eve will go down as one of [his] most despicable acts ever. Abbott belongs in prison,” Democratic Coalition co-founder Scott Dworkin tweeted.

The migrants, some wearing nothing but t-shirts and sandals, were quickly shuttled to the warmth of a local church — which is more than can be said of the hundreds of thousands of illegals who’ve been accosted by sex predators, trafficked, exploited and treated to the most inhumane conditions as they’ve crossed illegally into America, thanks to Team Biden’s message to come.

It’s only when the cameras point lens at Democrat hypocrisy, however, that the open border angers Democrats.

It’s only when the vice president of the United States is forced to set aside her Christmas partying to deal with the poor public relations look of freezing migrants outside her well-guarded, well-secured, locked residence — and really, only when a Republican can be blamed — that the human suffering of open border policies is an issue to the Democrats.

If Democrats really cared, they’d uphold law and order at the border. But they don’t. So they won’t. And the fact is, while Harris got the human equivalent of a lump of coal for Christmas, the very human tragedy at the border continues; the very real tax drains, crime risks, property damages, and burden to the systems that are experienced by Joe Q. Citizen continue.

The only way to put a stop to it is to make Democrats deal with the crisis themselves. The only way to stop it is to bring the border crisis right to Democrats’ own doors.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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