- The Washington Times - Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Old Twitter’s big operation to methodically choke off conservative thought drives home the new reality in America: We are being ruled by unelected super-rich left-wing ideologues.

The pantheon: Bill Gates, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos, Lauren Powell Jobs, Tom Steyer, Tim Cook, the trillion-dollar woke manager BlackRock, Google, Facebook, Old Twitter, Disney, Comcast, and Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum billionaire’s club.

They are not just different from you and me. They are different from your grandfather’s industrial dynamos. Those old-school fat cats largely shaped American lives through inventions. Better electricity, railways, cars, airplanes, rocket ships, phones, appliances, banking and the oil to run them all. 

That’s not enough for today’s Big Tech, investment houses and other Democratic Party financiers. Yes, they invented the next generation of neat stuff to advance the human experience. But then they corralled it and its immense stream of cash to try to micromanage us — what we should read, say and think; how we travel; what food we can produce and eat; and how we vote.

Ironically, thanks to the richest man in the world, Elon Musk, Americans got our first real peek at just how much mind control Old Twitter exerted. Neo-Twitter Musk is more your grandfather’s industrialist. Mr. Musk built colossal successes in banking (PayPal), the auto industry (Tesla) and space travel (SpaceX). Missing was a desire to look down on the average American.

Mr. Musk liberated Old Twitter by first launching the “Twitter Files” exposing how deeply the woke rigged the town square.

The blacklisting (they called it by the fancy cyber nomenclature “visibility filtering”) came with a great cost to our country. They did not just banish debate; they banished the truth. It was not solely about delisting a conservative activist’s Twitter account. It was about erasing a thought as unfit to be discussed — anywhere.

The billionaires’ tightening grip on American society flows in two channels.

Old Twitter, Google, Google’s YouTube and Facebook attack free thinking.

Channel 2 is the remaking of daily life, stripping it of enjoyment and implanting it with guilt.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his $100 billion fortune (says Forbes) is such a man.

There is probably not a gazillionaire who has a more expansive agenda to run our lives than Mr. Gates and his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation ($56 billion).

Mr. Gates has parlayed COVID-19/climate change into experiments to block our only sun, vegan eating, insect-eating and fake meat eating — while he buys up farmland. He is the No. 1 private funder of the World Health Organization. Its pet project these days is some digital vaccine “passport,” which would require a massive database and travel control.

The Gates Foundation sent a grant in 2012 to All Things Bugs LLC. The stated purpose: “To develop a method for the efficient production of nutritionally dense food using insect species.”

All Things Bugs raves about its cricket powder and larva sausage, which I don’t use. This year, it won the world’s first U.S. patent to mass-produce bug food, Yahoo News reported.

Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum is the globe’s most annoying insect proponent. Its menu especially endorses mealworms. Yummy. Overall, Mr. Schwab wants a total revamp of Earth.

The Land Report news magazine estimates that Mr. Gates, at 242,000 total acres, is the single largest owner of U.S. farmland. For what purpose? I asked the Gates Foundation press shop and received no answer.

Mr. Gates has invested in a Harvard experiment on solar geoengineering. Special cloud dust would dim the sun and reduce Earth’s temperatures.

“This Bill Gates-funded chemical cloud could help stop global warming,” said a CNBC story.

Mr. Gates has decreed that all “rich countries” should be 100% synthetic meat. It has to do with cow methane and climate change. 

One way Mr. Gates publicizes all his dreams is by funding a list of prominent journalism organizations. Have you noticed all the insects-as-food stories?

A 2020 analysis by author Tim Schwab in Columbia Journalism Review found that more than $250 million in Gates grants have gone to influential outlets such as BBC, NBC, ProPublica, National Journal, The Atlantic and The Guardian.

As the bespectacled, studious Mr. Gates issues edicts on climate change and diet, there is an American plutocrat who is less polite. Democratic Party partisan George Soros utilizes the brute force of political money to get want he wants.

What he wants is no less than a restructuring of America, casting off U.S. sovereignty for some type of global rule.

“The sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions,” Mr. Soros has said. And also, “We need a new international authority that transcends the sovereignty of states to promote an open society.”

He has funded hundreds of left-wing activist groups, such as Demand Justice ($4.5 million in 2021). It is led by Brian Fallon, former Hillary Clinton campaign press secretary and one of the most prominent defund-the-police advocates.

Mr. Soros’ most impactful current investment is the election of ultra-left prosecutors in deep-blue urban America. His motive is to help the poor by releasing impoverished criminals after their arrests.

I would total up Mr. Soros’ grand criminal justice plan as more crime, fewer police.

(BTW, Mr. Soros lives quite comfortably in gated compounds in a town that has its own police force.)

Conservatives say Mr. Soros is destroying America, piece by piece. Democrats take his money and run. 

Then there is the southern border.

Mr. Soros’ Open Society Foundations hands out the financial goodies. One recipient is Alianza Americas. Last year, it called for eliminating the U.S. Border Patrol and enforcement — in other words, a completely open border.

President Biden wants more Democratic voters, so he has discarded his oath to protect America and is doing Alianza’s job for them. Murderous Mexican drug cartels now come and go as they please. They are flooding our country with deadly drugs such as Chinese-designed fentanyl and trafficking criminals and sex slaves.

Why did Mr. Biden do this?

Mr. Soros was the top donor by far for the just-completed midterm elections, with over $128 million directed to Democrats and aligned groups.

That’s why.

• Rowan Scarborough is a columnist with The Washington Times.

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