- The Washington Times - Thursday, December 15, 2022

Students attending some of America’s most prestigious places of higher learning will be forced to obtain updated COVID-19 bivalent shots as conditions of continuing their on-campus learning, or in some cases, of enrolling — and this, even as report after report and study after study show the failure of all these so-called vaccines to prevent the spread of the virus or even protect the jabbed from testing positive.

There is no return to pre-COVID normalcies.

The left has tasted the power that came from exploiting fears about this virus and now has no plans to let go that power. It’s too lucrative. The chance to brainwash an entire generation of youth — the next leaders of the world — is too tempting.

Students from Yale to Notre Dame to Harvard and dozens in between are all being told they must be fully vaccinated, be fully up-to-date with their shots, including the “updated bivalent booster” — a shot that hasn’t fared any better than the previous Big Pharma COVID-fighting inventions. As Bloomberg wrote in a headline in late October, “New Covid Boosters Aren’t Better Than Old Ones, Study Finds.” The story goes on to report that “[b]ivalent booster shots from Modern Inc. and Pfizer Inc. failed to raise levels of protective proteins … any more than four doses of the original Cover vaccine.”

Are we even paying attention at this point to matters of efficacy and safety, or are we just knee-jerking our way to mass, unthinking, zombie-like acceptance of whatever shot the pro-shot profiteering partners of Big Pharma, the political world and the medical bureaucrats advise? It’s impossible to even get good data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention anymore. The agency buries truth beneath medical jargon aimed at confusing the layman, so as to push an “all vaccines, all the time” narrative.

An example: “In this study of vaccine effectiveness of the U.S.-authorized bivalent mRNA booster formulations, bivalent boosters provided significant additional protection against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in persons who had previously received 2, 3, or 4 monovalent vaccine doses,” CDC wrote in late November. “Due to waning immunity of monovalent doses, the benefit of the bivalent booster increased with time since receipt of the most recent monovalent vaccine dose.”

What that means is that previous COVID-19 shots weren’t working, so the pro-vaccine crowd invented a new vaccine that contained an mRNA component from the original strain of the virus plus an mRNA component from another strain of the virus — a variant. 

But if the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results, this latest shot package — the bivalent mRNA — is circling the crazy train. The logic goes like this: Since all the COVID-19 shots wane in efficacy over time, how about we make a batch that fights two kinds of the virus at the same time? If one doesn’t work, maybe combining a non-working one with another non-working one will result in a working one?

Mathematically speaking, two negatives can bring a positive.

But medicine ain’t math.

And humans aren’t lab rats.

Yet this is the experimentation that’s going forth all under the willing, watchful, utterly unconcerned eyes of this White House administration, led by a president who one day claims the pandemic is over, and the next day extends the emergency use authorization for more experimental shots, more experimental shots, more experimental shots to be injected into the arms of even the children, as young as 6 months.

It’s high time to stop the insanity.

It’s past time to return to a time when individuals actually made their own medical decisions, absent overt mandates, absent mandates disguised as voluntary decisions, absent mandates cloaked in intimidation, threats and public shaming.

The face masks are coming back. The shots are being pushed. The mindsets of entire generations are being changed to accept more Marxist, collectivist principles.

“Parents of students with disabilities in Virginia public schools have won a major legal dispute, winning the right to require mask-wearing by teachers and students to help protect their children against COVID-19,” as WTOP News reported, about the legal challenges from Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s executive order that banned schools from mandating face masks.

Why does society have to shift for the sickly?

Why do those without fear have to adapt to accommodate the fear-filled?

Once upon a time, America was known as exceptional because of a concept called God-given rights, where individualism reigned and those who would seek to control the behaviors and thoughts of others were kept in check by a Constitution, by common sense, by a moral compass that came from the Creator not from the changing, evil whims of human hearts. Those days are passing. Those times are nearly past.

If we want to maintain liberty for the coming generations, we must fight the soul-sucking collectivism that’s stealing into our nation.

Look no further than the public schools and the places of higher learning for signs of what America will look like in the coming years. And what’s emerging is a dismal scene: a bunch of face-mask wearing, immunocompromised shot-addicted sheep who are afraid of walking about freely and who are reliant on government bureaucrats to tell them how to live. In other words — good, obedient Democrat voters.

The ray of light is this: Some college students, with staff, are fighting booster mandates. They’re calling on legal minds; they’re taking administrations to court.

“Mermigis Law Group, a law firm on Long Island, is threatening to file legal action against Fordham following its bivalent booster mandate,” The Observer website at Fordham University recently reported.

But too few. Too far between.

The left is determined to keep up the assaults on individual liberties using the coronavirus fear as its rally cry. Without massive uprising from the public, the left will win. And America will be America in name only.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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