American Jews are overwhelmingly liberal and take great pride in supporting political positions that are often inimical to their own best interests, as if sticking pins into effigies of themselves will win them friends among Democrats who disdain them (“U.S. Jews fear collision with expected Israeli government,” Web, Dec. 7).

They often extoll policies that are harmful to their co-religionists in Israel. To them, the pursuit of shared interests is no longer fashionable in our rapidly changing culture, especially as they seek to join the post-modern, progressive world where facts and values that reflect truth are rejected in an attempt to curry favor with those who know as little of the vexing Palestinian/Israeli problem as they do.

The growing divide between Israel and the Democrats is harmful to both. Democrats who fault Israel as the primary bad actor in a Middle East rife with well-armed countries dedicated to Israel’s total destruction are not just wrong on the facts; they put Israel in danger as they embellish their credentials with people who await the end of the Jewish state.

Cincinnati, Ohio

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