In his excellent Commentary piece, “Biden still courting Iran” (Web, Aug. 26) Jed Babbin is too reluctant to point out that President Biden is endangering us all with his obsession to reverse all the good that President Trump achieved.

Few, if any, can disagree with the truism that powerful nations are better equipped to remain secure in a world undergoing instability. While the Trump administration built up American prosperity and strength, Biden’s reckless, ill-considered actions have significantly weakened our standing and influence. The prime examples of the manner of our departure from Afghanistan, the chaos at the southern border and the ending of energy self-sufficiency, which have led to three quarters of our population concluding that the nation is headed in the wrong direction.

Despite this clear rejection of his policies, Biden remains intent on reaching some sort of agreement with Iran. Can any sane individual continue to pursue an agreement with an opponent who displays such contempt for our nation that its representatives refuse to meet to discuss  the parameters of said agreement? By leaving European allies and Russia to negotiate on our behalf, Biden illustrates a level of weakness that is beyond reason.

As Mr. Babbin points out, no agreement would now prevent Iran from progressing toward nuclear weapons. Enhancing our standing in the world, even at this late stage might cause the Mullahs to rethink.

There seems no chance whatsoever of Biden changing course, so it is up to the electorate to make clear to the present administration that it no longer has the backing to continue to weaken America. 


Rockville, Maryland

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