- The Washington Times - Saturday, August 20, 2022

President Joe Biden said he’s going to host a summit at the White House next month to address and put a stop to hate-fueled violence in the United States.

Call this the Democrats’ next step toward silencing conservatives in America.

Mark these words: Biden’s “United We Stand Summit” isn’t aimed so much at countering acts of violence in America as it is about pinging, zinging and ultimately, silencing the types of speech the “United We Stand Summit” participants will blame as fueling the acts of violence. 

After all, this is the administration that birthed the idea of a Department of Homeland Security disinformation board tasked with alerting citizens to data, documents and discussions that didn’t meet the government’s smell test for truth, a la George Orwell’s fictional Ministry of Truth — and just in time for election season, no less. Mass American outrage put a stop to the board. 

But that’s not the same as putting a stop to the idea.

Who needs a DHS disinformation board when there’s a White House only too willing to accomplish the same censorship goals by a different means — by a means that doesn’t appear so overtly anti-American? By a means that can be sold as helping the American public; as healing the American people?

First come the discussions about hate-fueled violence in America, leading to discussions about the genesis of hate-fueled violence.

Then come the discussions about violence-fueling speech.

Then come the agreements of the need to do something, do anything, do something quick to stop all this violence and then — and this is the key — the equating of words with actions. Words are actions; actions are words. If laws can regulate actions, why can’t they regulate words?

Then come the Democrats’ water carriers in the media to continue the deception that words are nearly the same as actions; to bring out the pundits to push the need to regulate speech; to showcase the legal case that violent language has no place in civil society; to mainstream a movement to make certain speech criminal — all the while constantly harping on the hateful, intolerant, dangerous, violent rhetoric of Donald Trump and his band of deplorable around the nation.



First Amendment?

Free speech is good, but some speech is dangerous. Diversity of opinion is great, but some opinions are so hateful they shouldn’t be heard. The First Amendment is terrific— but as Biden himself said, in an April 2021 reference to the Second Amendment, “no amendment is absolute.” His meaning? The government determines which amendments, which rights, which freedoms are acceptable for mass gifting, and which need to be controlled and curtailed. There are no God-given rights, in other words.

So goes the Democrats’ narrative. 

“As President Biden said in Buffalo after the horrific mass shooting earlier this year — in the battle for the soul of our nation, ‘we must all enlist in this great cause of America,’” press secretary Katrine Jean-Pierre said in a statement. “The United We Stand Summit will present an important opportunity for Americans of all races, religions, regions, political affiliations and walks of life to take up that cause together.”

You think?

Because the left’s actions say otherwise.

Between Big Tech’s booting of patriotic voices; the social media stifling of narratives that counter Big Pharma’s messaging; Big Government’s dictates about the need to curtail hate speech, dangerous speech, nationalistic speech, MAGA speech; and the ensuing societal and cultural acceptance of a very anti-American idea that free speech is good, but some speech is bad and therefore, should be regulated — as evidenced, for example, by the creation of special safe zones on college campuses where students must go in order to express views that have been labeled too fiery, too controversial, too intolerable for the general populace — with all this, put all together, one has to realize: It won’t be long before the only viewpoints that are allowed to be publicly expressed are those that are rubber-stamped for approval by Democrats.

It’s very clear any “United We Stand Summit” coming from this White House will be less unifying for the nation, and more divisive of the citizens. Participants and supporters will stand united against conservative principles and emerge from the meetings more energized to condemn conservative politics, policies and platforms — and speech. And once again: Just in time for elections.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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