- The Washington Times - Thursday, August 18, 2022

Rep. Liz Cheney conceded her congressional race with a speech laced with lofty Abraham Lincoln and Civil War references, took to NBC’s “Today” show to talk about her loss — which she blamed on the “cult of personality” of the pro-Donald Trump faction of the Republican Party — and then said yes, she was indeed “thinking about” a run for the White House.

Bless her heart, as the southern folk like to say. Or how ‘bout some music for a singalong instead? Cue Little River Band: “Have you heard about the lonesome loser?” Cue Kenny Rogers: “You gotta know when to fold ‘em.” Cue Beatles: “I’m a loser.”

And yet, Cheney won’t go away.

“Today” host Savannah Guthrie to loser Liz: So now that you’ve lost your Wyoming primary in a landslide, what are your plans for the future?

Loser Liz to Guthrie: Oh, I might just run for president — “[I]t is something that I am thinking about, and I’ll make a decision in the coming months.”

Guthrie to Loser Liz: Oh.

A wide-eyed Wyoming constituency to Loser Liz: Well, bless her little heart. 

Liz Cheney is defeated by Harriet Hageman, who was endorsed by Trump,” The New York Times reported.

“The Party of Trump,” The Times also reported.

Liz Cheney, Trump’s Chief Antagonist, Loses in a Landslide,” The Times also reported.

Themes be danged; trends be hanged. Unbelievably, incredibly, astonishingly, Cheney actually sees a comeback — and not just any old comeback, but the kahuna of all kahuna comebacks: the Oval Office. 

That she couldn’t keep her congressional seat against a political newcomer named Harriet Hageman should be a sign that voters don’t want Cheney. And as signs go, this was a clear one.

“Hageman, a lawyer in Cheyenne with little political following before she was lifted by Mr. Trump’s endorsement, trounced Ms. Cheney, the daughter of a former Vice President, by more than 30 percentage points,” The Times wrote.

Hageman, 66%.
Cheney, 29%.

Yet Cheney — this: “I will do whatever it takes to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office.” Even if it means running for the Oval Office myself. Hmm.

Interesting takeaway. Yes, she’s got millions of dollars left over from her loser campaign trail. But that’s nothing to what she would need for a run at the presidency. So what’s her source of confidence? 

It’s the key to what’s wrong with the Republican Party. It’s the core of what’s nefarious about the Democratic Party.

Cheney has got a cadre of entrenched, well-connected Republican friends who, along with their Democrat opportunists, hate Trump more than they respect voters — who hate Trump more than they love America — and who are united in their willingness to do, as Cheney vows, “whatever it takes to keep Donald Trump” from the White House.

Thus, the House Jan. 6 committee hearings.

Thus, the raid on Mar-a-Lago.

Thus — fill in the blank.

“We’ve now got one major political party, my party, which has really become a cult of personality,” Cheney said on NBC. 

No. Actually, America’s now got too many politicians of both parties who’ve forgotten their allegiances are to the Constitution, to the American people, to America first. Cheney personifies the elitist view against voters who support Trump — which is really to say she represents the elitist view against citizens of the United States who want to keep America first. These elitists know no political party boundaries; they are united first by globalism and second by “R” versus “D.” Trump became the face of their enemy — the concept of God-given individual rights; the ideal of American exceptionalism.

Trump brought the brand to what patriotic Americans already believed of their country; Trump brought the fight to what patriotic Americans already demanded of their political leaders. His crime was he was successful.

And now voters’ crimes are they insist on more of these “America First” successes.

Loser Liz doesn’t get that, and that is why she lost. There are far too many in the Republican Party, in the Democratic Party, in politics and supposedly serving as humble servants to the people who don’t get that and who are committed to fighting against the spirit of America — the spirit of individualism — the spirit of God-given freedoms. Losing a seat here or there doesn’t matter to these people. They’ll do “whatever it takes” to march forth the globalist vision for America. 

Happily, many in the coming months will go the way of Loser Liz.

Cue “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

Freedom and individual liberty will always and ultimately reign.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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