- The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Disgraced, fired, former FBI agent Peter Strzok, in a recent interview about the Mar-a-Lago raid with CNN sycophant Jim Acosta, said conservatives need to “grow up” — meaning, shut up. Perennial Donald Trump hater and ex-CIA Director John O. Brennan wrote in his Twitter feed that the Department of Justice and FBI are “the bedrocks of law and order,” and those who would “impugn their integrity” are obviously acting out of “desperation” and “fear the truth.” Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the guy who DOJ Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz said “lacked candor” and “knowingly and intentionally” lied about a criminal leak to The Wall Street Journal — yep, that guy — has become a CNN go-to for the voice of reason and sound rationale on all things Mar-a-Lago.

The anti-Trump hits keep on coming.

You’d think the anti-Trumpers could at least make a slight show about digging up pundits and dragging out voices who a) weren’t so obviously Trump haters and b) weren’t so obviously immoral and untrustworthy.

McCabe in one recent CNN appearance said:Trump has been basically at war with the FBI since we opened a case on his campaign in July of 2016. That has a corrosive effect on the ability of FBI agents and professional support staff to develop the sort of trust that they need to get their job done.” The message?  

The raid is Trump’s fault.

Criticism of the raid is causing a decrease in morale among FBI ranks.

And that’s Trump’s fault, too.

You know what else is Trump’s fault?

“Extremists out there who might be thinking about doing something violent,” Acosta told Strzok — to which Strzok feigned address of deplorables who are expressing outrage at the raid and replied: “Grow up. This is wildly irresponsible. This is directly leading to violence.”


All that pushback from Trump and Trump’s family and Trump’s supporters about an unprecedented FBI raid on a former president’s private home; about an unprecedented FBI rifling through the clothing of a former first lady’s closet; about an unprecedented execution of a search warrant on a potential presidential contender who could face the president currently in office — “grow up” and shut up. So go the anti-Trumpers in media, in intel, in federal law enforcement who’ve been trying “six ways from Sunday,” as Sen. Chuck Schumer would put it, to take down Trump, impeach Trump, impeach Trump again, relegate Trump to the dumpsters of history.

“I leave [Trump’s] fate to our judicial system, his infamy to history, & his legacy to a trash heap,” Brennan said on Twitter in November 2020, The Hill reported

Conservatives love America.

Democrats, deep staters hate Trump.

It’s a different way of looking at things, for sure. But it’s the hatred for Trump that’s driving the intel and their friends in media right now. These leftists believe they’ve found their lucky baton with this White House administration, primarily because President Biden is a puppet who can’t think for himself and simply regurgitates whatever notes are handed him to read for the day — stage directions and all.

But it’s not just Trump who these nefarious forces are fighting. It’s the spirit of freedom and independence and sovereignty and self-governance that Trump represented and defended, on behalf of patriotic Americans tired of the woke, socialist, globalist government.

That makes every American who supports Trump and supports the Constitution an enemy of this administration. With Mar-a-Lago, these leftists have shown what they’re capable of and how far they’re willing to go to kill the American spirit. So take a warning; learn a lesson.

Hide the laptops, bury the personal safes, wear clean pajamas when climbing into bed at night. It’s a dangerous deep state-police state world out there in America. Mar-a-Lago today; Mr. and Mrs. Jones tomorrow.

The innocent now have more to fear than the guilty.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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