- The Washington Times - Saturday, August 13, 2022

Republicans seeking office this November already had polls at their back, putting them in lead of many, if not most, of their Democrat contenders — thanks be Joe Biden and his inflation and his Afghanistan withdrawal and his COVID-19 clamps on liberties and his overall braindead puppet-pulled leadership.

But the FBI’s highly suspect raid on Donald Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago home has handed Republicans a golden egg.

“Large Majority of Independents, Republicans Believe Trump’s Political Enemies are Behind FBI Raid,” a Convention of States/Trafalgar Group poll found.

By the numbers: Almost 54% of Independent voters believe the raid on Mar-a-Lago was conducted for political reasons, at the doing of Donald Trump’s political enemies; almost 77% of Republican voters believe similarly. Sadly — showing the divide of America and the ignorance of Democrats — only about 12% of Democrat voters thought Trump’s political enemies were pulling the strings of this raid.

Regardless, the fallout is huge.

Almost 72% of Independents say the raid’s ratcheted their motivation to vote in the midterms. So, too, 83% of Republicans and 55% of Democrats.

Meanwhile, the GOP’s kicked into high gear to demand answers — something every American, regardless of political affiliation, ought to want. After all, if the FBI and Department of Justice feel emboldened enough to launch an hours-long raid of a former president’s private residence, and rifle through the closets and clothing of his wife, the former first lady, imagine what these federal law enforcement agents would willingly, could willingly, do to Joe Q. Citizen. The Constitution’s at stake. The rightful role of law enforcement is in need of clarification. The proper positioning of government entities as servants, not lords, of the people is in dire need of fixing.

This has gone beyond politics.

This is about freedom.

Thankfully, GOP Oversight and Reform Committee members have already moved from simple expressions of social media outrage to outright action and have sent a letter to Debra Wall, the acting archivist, requesting a briefing about the executive of the FBI’s search warrant.

“Law enforcement raiding a former president’s residence is unprecedented,” wrote Rep. James Comer, ranking member on the Committee on Oversight and Reform, and several other ranking members of pertinent House subcommittees and Republican members of Congress.

“Committee Republicans demand answers about the FBI and NARA’s [National Archives and Records Administration] investigation of President Trump and any coordination between the two agencies. The seeming weaponization of the federal government against President Biden’s political rivals cannot go unchecked,” the letter continues.

Likely, that’s just the beginning of a long list of outraged patriots who will demand documents of communications that led to the decision to raid Mar-a-Lago. Wait until Judicial Watch gets involved. Wait until the Trump attorneys swing into high gear.

Wait until the midterms now.

“FBI searched Trump’s home to look for nuclear documents,” The Washington Post screamed in one post-raid headline.

It’s Russia collusion all over again.

“Nuclear weapons issue is a hoax,” Trump said on his Truth Social platform, accusing the “same sleazy people” who ran with the fake Russia collusion allegations of now planting false flags about nuclear documents.

What’s needed is clarification about the justification for the raid, either from the mouths of those in charge of ordering or overseeing the search warrant, or from the signed statements of those who alleged a search was necessary, i.e., the affidavits. Where are these Waldos?

Good questions.

The American people deserve answers.

The Trump family deserves to know.

The fact Democrats don’t agree is just another layer of gold to the egg Republicans have been handed this election cycle.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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