- The Washington Times - Thursday, August 11, 2022

John Mackey, chief executive of Whole Foods Market, warned in a recent interview that socialists seem to be “taking over” America and that government incentives based on coronavirus fears have fueled a nation of younger people primarily who “don’t seem to want to work.”

Shop Whole Foods.

In this day and age of woke corporatism, Mackey stands apart as an unapologetic capitalist and liberty-loving executive. 

“Socialists,” he said in an interview with Reason magazine, “[are] marching through the institutions — they’re taking everything over.”

Education? Check.

Corporations? Check, check.

The military? Check, check, check.

“And it’s just continuing,” Mackey went on. “I feel like with the way freedom of speech is today — the movement on gun control — a lot of the liberties that I’ve taken for granted most of my life, I think, are under threat.”

That’s because they are.

The Democratic Socialists of America made a strategic decision a long time ago to recruit members to infiltrate the public school systems of America and fill the minds of the next generation of leaders with socialist rot. They’ve been quite successful. Today’s youth are being trained to believe America is to blame for all the world’s ills — all the world’s poverty — all the world’s environmental degradations — all the world’s wars — all the world’s inequalities. They’ve been brainwashed to believe what’s needed in this 21st century are more Barack Obama apology tours and fewer Donald Trump “America First” moments. They’ve been schooled to hate America, hate the Constitution and even — and this is where we’re at right now — to hate individualism and liberty, and instead, embrace collectivism.

The coronavirus in all its government-crackdown glory has moved the collectivist goalpost even further down the field.

Today’s Americans of all ages have been sold a bill of COVID-19 fear goods for more than two years, and counting, that it doesn’t matter what the individual thinks about the science and truthfulness of government-mandated, government-pushed, government-advised coronavirus mitigation narratives — like face mask wearing, social distancing, stay-at-home orders. Rather, even citizens who know the science is bogus should obey government orders anyway — because it makes others feel safe and secure. It’s good for the collective; it’s for the greater good.

Once that mindset shift is fully realized — once Americans are truly in the camp of believing individualism is dangerous and collectivism is better for all — then America the free crumbles. America’s shining light on the hill goes dark.

The socialists win.

“A lot of people [during pandemic-related stimulus dole-outs] were making as much money, if not more money, not working at all,” Mackey said. “And so guess what? They chose not to come back to work. They got used to it. … [Now] the younger generation … don’t seem to want to work.”

That’s by design.

That’s by the design of the left — the Democrats, the Republicans In Name Only, the Great Reset crowd at the World Economic Forum.

That’s by strategic, “build back better” design, as President Biden would call it.

If part of the Great Reset is to change the model of capitalism from one of profit-driven to one of social-justice-scorecard driven — and it is, as the World Economic Forum’s own Great Reset writings make clear — then killing the free market is certainly a must-do item. Killing the drive of the individual to create is key. Killing the spirit of independence and self-reliance that’s marked America since its founding days is crucial.

It’s how the cancer of socialism spreads its poison wider.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter and podcast by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Lockdown: The Socialist Plan To Take Away Your Freedom,” is available by clicking HERE  or clicking HERE or CLICKING HERE.

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