The many Joe Biden mental lapses during the campaign were minimized by Democrats and the liberal media. After one year, however, the significant failures due to decisions by Mr. Biden and/or his advisers have put the U.S. and our allies at risk and created significant financial hardship for Americans.

The citizens of the U.S. and our allies now know Mr. Biden’s mental problems were real, and that the Democrats knew, too, but covered it up. Former President Donald Trump and the Republicans improved our economy, made us energy independent, increased employment among minorities, secured our borders, reduced taxes, rebuilt our military, stood up to China and Russia, deterred actions by North Korea, Iran and the Taliban, defeated the Islamic State, and more. These positive actions have been virtually erased by Mr. Biden and the Democrats.

Now, the illegal-immigrant surge is responsible for many opioid- and smuggling-related deaths, killings by criminal illegal immigrants and billions of wasted dollars that could have helped our citizens and country. The irresponsible withdrawal from Afghanistan and slow support for Ukraine cost many lives.

Biden and the Democrats are responsible for putting partisan politics ahead of our best interests, and they need to be made accountable.


Centerville, Massachusetts

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