- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Every day President Biden’s White House wakes up, it believes the world is going to end due to climate change. Not one policy, not one action, not one statement is issued without the climate in mind — even when the dots don’t necessarily connect.

Take, for example, last week, when reports indicated Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, suffered symptoms of suspected poisoning, such as sore eyes and peeling skin while conducting peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine in Belarus. Two Ukrainian peace negotiators were also said to have been affected.

The Wall Street Journal suspected Moscow hard-liners who wanted to sabotage the talks were to blame, as Russia has a history of poisoning people. A Kremlin team poisoned Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny with a nerve agent in 2020, an investigation concluded.

Not so fast, the White House said.

Shortly after the allegations emerged, an unnamed U.S. official was quoted by Reuters suggesting the men’s symptoms were due to “environmental” factors. You know, climate change.

The absurdity of the statement was laughed at around the world.

“BBC security correspondent Frank Garner says it would hardly be surprising that the U.S. would want to dampen down suggestions that anyone — especially Russia — had used chemical weapons in Ukraine, as this could push them into retaliatory action that they are extremely reluctant to take,” the British news organization reported last week.

At this point in Mr. Biden’s presidency, we have to believe his administration’s obsession with impending climate doom is sincere — for there’s not one issue in the world it won’t tie to it — no matter how nonsensical. 

Mr. Biden’s budget — which is said to be a statement of one’s values — was unveiled last month. It mentioned “environmental justice” 187 times, more than inflation or border security. 

It included $3.1 billion to establish a Civilian Climate Corps, a demand pushed by far-left environmentalists, that would pay young Americans to advocate for a cleaner environment. The Climate Corps is equipped to have more personnel than the Marine Corps. This, in a time of war.

Americans are facing the highest inflation in 40 years, decreasing real wages, record-high gas prices, a crisis on our southern border and perhaps a new one looming with Russia — yet we’re told by the Biden White House that climate change is our biggest challenge.

“The president said in the spring that the greatest threat facing America was global warming. Is that still the assessment now that we are facing down a potential cyberwar with Russia?”  Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked press secretary Jen Psaki after Russia invaded Ukraine.

Ms. Psaki dodged, referring Mr. Doocy to the Pentagon.

Last October, the Departments of Homeland Security and Defense, as well as the National Security Council and the director of National Intelligence all released reports underscoring the massive threat global warming and its dire consequences pose to the U.S. and world security.

Ms. Psaki continues, however, to blame Russia and a “dependence on fossil fuels,” for skyrocketing gas prices — while doubling down on the administration’s anti-energy policies — like shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline and suspending or halting oil and gas leases on federal lands.

In March, Mr. Biden’s economic adviser Brian Deese said that “the only viable path to energy independence” is to reduce fossil fuel use to “zero.” That same month Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said we need to make sure that “we wean ourselves off of fossil fuels.”

In confronting the Russian threat and soaring gas prices at home, a senior energy official told reporters the administration’s clean energy strategies remain a top priority.

“Having had conversations with our European colleagues in particular, I think there’s an incredible moment here to really accelerate the clean energy transition,” the official said on a background call with reporters. “It has a climate benefit, it has an affordability benefit and it also has a security benefit.”

Nothing will deter the climate zealots in the Biden administration from achieving their green pipe dream — not war, not rising energy prices, nor the pain each and every American will have to endure to get there.

They truly believe it’s your patriotic duty to pay $4.16 or more at the pump.

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