In the 1984 movie “Red Dawn,” America is infiltrated by the Russians and Cubans, dividing the country in half. Part of the enemy forces strike in the Northwest, where high school kids take them on. It was a fictitious scenario, but one that could very easily now happen here under the incompetent Biden administration.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has threatened to use nuclear weapons against the Ukrainians, who, like the high school kids in the movie, have stood their ground and successfully fought off an aggressive assault. As a combat Marine and Vietnam veteran of jungle warfare, I can’t for the life of me understand how the world can stand by and allow Mr. Putin to kill indiscriminately.

You don’t have to be a warrior to stand up to a murderous bully. All of the nuclear-capable nations on the planet should take their nukes out of mothballs and point them at Russia, demanding Mr. Putin to stop or be wiped off the face of the Earth.

I’d bet Mr. Putin would withdraw from Ukraine if he knew his country would be turned to rubble otherwise. We either stand together to stop him or wait for him to stand by his threats, using his weapons of mass destruction which will spread radiation all over the world.

It’s far better to be the one doing the hitting than to be the one getting hit. We must stop being Mr. Putin’s punching bag and fight back.


Warrenville, South Carolina

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