- The Washington Times - Saturday, April 23, 2022

You’d think Anthony Fauci, the chief medical adviser to the president and the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases would know a thing or two about America, seeing as he’s been a key recipient of the wealth, prestige and power this nation offers its leading, long-lasting public servants for years, for decades, in fact. Thanks be to taxpayers for that, of course.

But Fauci is that special breed of bureaucrat that thinks those citizens who pay his salary are peons. He thinks the Constitution is a piece of paper, nothing more, and that “God-given rights” is a phrase slung by right-wing conspiracists who have no place in American society, and especially, in American political society.

“Shut up and sit down” is more the phrase to his liking.

It’s “disturbing,” Fauci said, as Fox News reported, that a federal judge exercised the power to block the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from forcing public travelers to wear face masks.

This is the same Fauci who said in January 2022 that those who bucked government mandates on face masks and COVID-19 shots were “very disturbing” to him, as Business Insider wrote.

This is the same Fauci who said in April of 2021 that it was “disturbing” some citizens refused to take the coronavirus shots, as CNBC wrote.

Sensing a theme here?

Fauci is a guy who truly believes in the power of government — in the authority of government — in the power and authority of his own mind and the minds of those he has personally selected as worthy of power and authority. And that don’t include you, Jane Taxpayer. You either, Joe Schmo.

“The CDC has the capability, through a large number of trained epidemiologists, scientists, to be able to make projections and make recommendations,” Fauci said, in an interview on CBS News about the judicial block to Team Biden’s face mask mandates. “Far more than a judge with no experience in public health.”

In other words: Only medical bureaucrats working at the CDC should have the right to dictate how citizens respond to a virus. Not private doctors. Not personal health providers. And certainly not individual citizens.

By Fauci’s logic, any aspect of life that touches upon health should be dictated by medical professionals — or more specifically, CDC-approved medical professionals — because these “epidemiologists” and “scientists” and the like are the only ones capable of making recommendations and issuing guidance on how best to live, survive and thrive.

School teachers can’t teach without first implementing the CDC’s best medical practice for students and staff — because only the specially trained, highly degreed scientists of the CDC can keep the students and staff safe.

Employees can’t work without first abiding the CDC’s best medical recommendations for workplace safety — because only the specially trained, highly degreed specialists and scientists of the CDC can ensure a clean and safe business.

Pastors can’t preach without first obeying the CDC’s best medical advisements for sanitized church settings — because only the specially trained, highly degreed specialists and scientists of the CDC can keep the congregations healthy.

The list goes on.

It’s a never-ending clash of college degrees: Who has the highest education? Who holds the highest CDC position?

Founding Fathers would’ve laughed at Fauci. Early American patriots would’ve tarred and feathered him. It’s only by today’s mixed up, messed up concepts of right versus wrong and good versus evil, that a man like Fauci makes it big in news media. It’s only by today’s turn from traditional and godly toward secular and ungodly that someone like Fauci wields such influence over politics, education, the economy, health care, culture and even private family affairs.

CBS anchor Robert Costa to Fauci: “Do you personally agree or disagree with [Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle’s] interpretation of public health law?”

Fauci’s response: “Well, I clearly disagree. I mean, those types of things should be denied as a public health issues by the public health organizations, in this case the CDC. This is a public health matter, not a judicial matter.”


Somebody hand that man a civics’ book, a copy of the Constitution and, just to piss him off, a Bible. He needs help understanding the greatness of America, as well as the basic principles of American government — starting with the “separate but equal powers” that were established with the formation of the legislative, judicial and executive branches, and ending with an extra helping of explanation of “God-given” versus “government granted.”

The CDC is not a power unto itself. Neither is Fauci. And that’s what drives him mad.

If Fauci had his way, America would be a dictatorship run by carefully selected doctors who were schooled in the art of exploiting fear. For two-plus years, as a matter of fact, that’s just how America’s been run. Fauci experienced a taste of this power; he held it in his hands, he sniffed it up close, he felt the rush of control his tiny frame and oversized ego has so long desired. Now he doesn’t want to let it go.

He won’t let it go unless he’s forced. And he won’t be forced unless and until the American citizens rise up and say enough’s enough — no more Fauci.

In America, it’s God-given rights to the individual that matter most. Government’s only there to protect those individual rights. It’s high time Americans reclaimed the throne.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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