According to special counsel John Durham’s court filing last week, the CIA concluded in early 2017 that dirt tying former President Donald Trump to Russia which was provided by Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman was “not technically plausible” (“Durham: CIA concluded Sussmann’s anti-Trump dirt was ’not technically plausible,’” Web, April 16). That’s CIA code speak for complete and total horse manure.

What boils my blood is the utter contempt the Clinton campaign, the Democratic Party and the mainstream media have for the average “low information voter” in this country.

I saw the Russian collusion narrative as utter nonsense from day one — ripped right out of the “Bush lied us into war” playbook of the previous decade. It was another incendiary, manufactured scandal dropped off the headlines the minute its political usefulness expired.

Part of what irks me the most about this fake scandal was that so many otherwise intelligent and respected people believed it. On a personal level, the unintended consequences of this fake news scandal was that it irreparably damaged lifelong friendships. And all because Hillary Clinton needed to play dirty and couldn’t accept the defeat of her infinitely flawed candidacy.

In a nutshell, this is what turns my disgust with the Democratic Party into pure hatred: that it would consciously divide Americans for purely political reasons. Even worse, the fooled “sheeple” who bought the lies haven’t experienced a mea culpa or haven’t distanced themselves from the toxicity that trashed their reputations.

The fact that Hillary Clinton is still being discussed as a possible 2024 presidential candidate is abhorrent on so many different levels.


Medford, New York

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