Corruption, which serves to erode trust and weaken democracy, comes in many forms and has many faces. Witness the unscrupulous activities of the Biden administration in its first 15 months.

It is becoming increasingly clear that President Biden is the “big guy” getting kickbacks from the substantial earnings of his delinquent son, whose dealings with foreign countries raises the possibility of blackmail. Allowing and even encouraging hordes of illegal immigrants to enter the United States is nefarious and a blatant threat to our national security. It is still hurtful to recall the perfidy of the abrupt and chaotic withdraw from Afghanistan, which resulted in the needless deaths of several service members, in addition to the relinquishment of billions of dollars of military equipment to an enemy.

Requiring masks for U.S. citizens while allowing illegal immigrants to roam freely without face coverings is duplicitous. Turning a blind eye to the illegal entry of fentanyl and other drugs to this country is venal; endorsing the teaching of pitting one race against the other is depraved. Moreover, Mr. Biden’s continued insistence on blaming rampant inflation on Russian President Vladimir Putin is blatantly deceitful.

This compilation of corruption raises a question: Do any of these behaviors rise to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors? The presidential oath of office includes a promise to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. It seems to me Mr. Biden’s financial relationship with his son, his policies on the border and the Afghanistan debacle are prima facie evidence that Mr. Biden has violated his oath — and impeachment should be on the table.



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