- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 12, 2022

By the end of President Biden’s first term in office, 20% of America’s population will be here illegally, having crossed through an open southern border, according to a startling new estimate.

“In Joe Biden’s first term, we will have more people come into America illegally than we have in the entire state of Texas,” Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said on “Fox & Friends” Sunday, outlining the devastating effects of Mr. Biden’s open border policies. “There are 29 million people in Texas. Joe Biden is going to let in about 30 million people in his first term — based on who we apprehend — one out of three.”

You add that 30 million to the estimated 30 million illegal migrants already in the country, and that’s 60 million illegal immigrants — 20% of America’s population. What comes next? With Democrats in charge, it will be green cards so they can work here with a social security number, then citizenship, then the right to vote. 

Border Patrol is expecting so many crossings after the Biden administration lifts Title 42 next month that they are considering deploying a “pre-screening” app as “an easy way for folks to get in.” This will allow illegal immigrants to enter the U.S. with “minimal biometric data and vetting” and with no need to confirm they provide the correct name or date of birth.

No one has any idea who is actually entering our country or from which country they are fleeing, exposing a grave national security threat. Terrorists, drug traffickers, and gang members are all welcome into America.

The White House plans to give these border crossers cellphones, arguing it makes them easier to track after they’re flown on the U.S. taxpayers’ dime to the state and city of their choosing. 

They will also be provided free vaccinations, with the Biden administration considering sending medical personnel away from Veterans Affairs centers to administer the shot.

Border officials are planning for an unprecedented 18,000 illegal immigrants entering every day this spring. Mr. Biden’s Department of Homeland Security sets new records for southwest land border encounters each month.

Mr. Biden is allowing our country to be invaded because he clearly believes it will advance his and the Democrat Party’s political ends. Cater to the illegal migrants by giving them free health care, transportation and education for their children, and they will forever vote with the Democratic Party. 

Is it not a “high crime and misdemeanor” for the president of the United States to refuse to uphold federal border laws for purely political reasons?

We believe Mr. Biden’s open-border policy is an impeachable offense and should be considered by Republicans when they win the U.S. House of Representatives this fall.

That’s why it was so disheartening to hear House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy warn against impeaching Mr. Biden for “political purposes” this weekend on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures” when asked if he would pursue impeachment based on Mr. Biden’s Afghanistan failure or the open border crisis.

“One thing we learned that the Democrats did is they — they used impeachment for political reason,” Mr. McCarthy told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo after she asked if he would move to impeach Mr. Biden.

“We believe in the rule of law,” Mr. McCarthy continued. “We’re not going to pick and choose just because somebody has power. We’re going to uphold the law. At any time, if someone breaks the law and the ramification becomes impeachment, we would move towards that. But we’re not going to use it for political purposes.”

While we agree with Mr. McCarthy that presidents should not be impeached for political reasons, the disastrous withdrawal that led to the deaths of 13 U.S. troops and his open borders crisis is not political. They go to the very heart of a president’s oath.

If Mr. McCarthy believes in the rule of law, immigration should be the first issue his caucus examines. It won’t take too long for them to conclude that the ramification should become impeachment.

When Republicans win the House, we hope that they will fight for America, defend its borders, and stand up for its people — even if that means removing the sitting president from office. 

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