- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 12, 2022

On a recent “Meet the Press” television news discussion, panelists from the ideological left agreed that Democrats have failed to properly message on pertinent cultural issues — namely, sex education for little kids, abortion, COVID-19 school closings and general coronavirus-tied clampdowns.

That’s because Democrats don’t have any message on these matters that could win them elections — unless they lie, of course.

“If you were to ask the average parent of a first grader ‘do you want your kid to be taught about sex in first grade?’ — most parents would probably say, ‘eh, probably not,’” said NBC News correspondent Josh Lederman, as The Daily Caller reported. “But if you ask ‘is it OK for your kid to be read a book about Peter the penguin who has two penguin dads?’ — you’re not going to have the same kind of response.”

That’s a rather astonishing way of acknowledging that Democrats have to disguise their evil intents and wicked agendas — i.e., sexually grooming little first graders — by dressing the messaging as fun talk about cute little penguins, else even “average” parents, meaning parents of all political walks, won’t support the lesson plans.

That’s also a rather revealing look at the left’s characterization of sexual grooming as nothing more than a potatoes-potatahto debate — as an “eh” moment — as something that’s not really a big deal in the minds of “average” parents.

This is why the Democrats don’t want a culture war. 

They cannot win.

They can’t even stay in the race.

If sex education for first graders makes you say “eh” and not “what the —!” — well then, you’re on the losing side of the argument, more to truth, on the hopelessly lost side of the argument. When parents in Virginia told school administrators in one district that they didn’t appreciate the fact that a boy pretending to be a girl committed one, no wait, two, acts of sexual attacks on two female — real female — students, and school administrators said the equivalent of “eh,” the commonwealth turned Republican Red overnight.

And that’s what’s going to happen in plenty more states, in plenty more coming elections, because Democrats are too far away from sanity to even see their insane ways. They truly believe the radicals in this country are the ones who want to protect young children from LGBTQ indoctrination. They truly think abortion should be readily available, on demand and at taxpayer expense, for every woman, for every minor-age girl, to terminate up to the ninth month of pregnancy. Beyond even, if some Democrats had their way.

When Virginia lawmaker Kathy Tran was asked a couple of years ago if her legislation would allow a woman in process of delivering a baby — a woman who is dilated, for example — to still go forth with an abortion, the Democrat said: “My bill would allow that. Yes.”

And all the Democrats go “eh.”

They won’t, though, as more and more Hispanics, independents and other key Democratic voting blocks flee the party and either sit out the coming elections or, gasp, vote Republican.

It’s the culture, stupid.

The pendulum has swung too far left for far too long and now it’s coming back to center. Democrats, taken hostage as they’ve been by far-leftists with socialist and Marxist intents, are woefully ill-prepared to deal.

Or, as one former Florida congressman, Carlos Curbelo, put it on “Meet the Press” to Chuck Todd: “Right now, Republicans are winning the culture wars in this country. That’s just the way it is.”

Democrats are in for a thrashing in 2022 and 2024.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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