- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 9, 2021

Nikole Hanna-Jones, the creator of the “1619 Project,” has now founded a “1619 Freedom School” to teach America’s most vulnerable, the K-12 minds, to hate the land of the free. And guess who funded the propaganda training ground? Yep. George Soros.

Soros and his Open Society Foundations are meddling in American politics, culture and society once again, with the aim at dismantling the country and Constitution from the inside, and forever after.

The press release for the school’s founding sounds the ominous alarm: “Education is a revolutionary act,” it reads.

For Marxists — for Marxists like “1619 Project” advocates who believe America is a horrible country filled with horrible White people — education indeed is the way of revolution because it’s the one sure-fire way of breeding the next generation in the unthinking, angry, sheeplike ways that Marxist leaders need in order to accomplish their Marxist takeovers. After all, the enemy of Marxism is critical thinking; ask too many questions, and the communist system crumbles.

Actually, the ultimate enemy of Marxism is religion — well, that is not to say organized religion so much as faithful believers in a higher power. Communists want the worship of the people for themselves. They can’t have the citizenry turning to God for solutions and hope and comfort and guidance; that would lead to individualism. And individualism would lead away from collectivism. And that’s just bad for Marxist business right there.

“Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones is launching the ‘1619 Freedom School’ in her hometown of Waterloo, Iowa, with a team of Waterloo educators and community leaders. The school will begin serving fourth and fifth graders from the Waterloo public schools this fall,” the press release for the school states.

Word is the coronavirus won’t affect this school’s operations in the least, either. That’s the latest from the teachers’ unions, anyway.

“ ‘1619, the year the first enslaved Africans were sold into the English colonies that in 1776 would form the United States, marks the birth of Black America,” the press release states. “ ‘Freedom School’ evokes the legacy of the free, community schools launched by SNCC [Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee] during the Civil Rights Movement in order to educate Black youth on their history and empower them to fight their oppression with the goal of achieving social, political and economic equality in the United States.”

Wonder, too, if the history taught at this school will include the fact that Africans — Blacks — actually seized Africans — fellow Blacks — and sold them to White Europeans to sell in America? Ehh, potatoes, potahtoes. No sense delving into details that could cripple the narratives of Black Lives Matter, the mainstream media, Democrats-slash-socialists and their friends in the “1619 Project” all in one fell swoop. America is racist, America is inherently racist, and America’s Constitution must be replaced with a more equitable style of governing — like anarchism. Or Marxism. Or a tyranny where minorities rule their long-due roost. Right?

“The 1619 Freedom School has secured inaugural funding from, among other organizations, The American Family Insurance Institute for Corporate and Social Impact, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies, CUNA Mutual Group, Lionsgate and Open Society Foundations,” the press release states.

Soros, once again.

“The 1619 Freedom School is built on the understanding that for a people for whom it was once illegal to learn to read and write, education is a revolutionary act,” Hannah-Jones said. “Through this school, we will provide our students the type of education and support they have always deserved.”

Sadly, it’s an education that is going to be antithetical to the long-term success of America.

There is nothing wrong with teaching the truths of American history, both good and bad. There is nothing wrong with teaching the truths of minorities’ contributions to America’s history — again, both good and bad. But the basis of that teaching should always unite as one, not divide for the reason of conquering. The theme of America’s history, the undercurrent of American civics, should always focus on exceptionalism — on the core concept of e pluribus unum, out of many, one.

This “1619 Freedom School” is aimed at training the next generation to hate America. And it doesn’t take much learning to know where that will lead.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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