- Thursday, September 9, 2021

Whose side is Joe Biden on?

In the last several weeks, Missourians’ constitutional right to bear arms is safer – despite the Biden Administration’s lame attempt to threaten it. The Taliban, meanwhile, is armed to the teeth and in full control of Afghanistan – with the Biden Administration’s help.  

Mr. Biden’s administration is actively trying to weaken Americans’ grip on their weapons while handing weapons to Eighth Century barbarians.

You know the story in the Middle East: As of August 31st, the Biden team has managed to leave an $83 billion arsenal to our 20-year enemies, who sheltered Al Qaeda until 9/11, including at least 600,000 small arms, with M16s, M249 SAW machine guns, M24 Sniper Systems, .50 caliber rifles, 1,394 M203 Grenade Launchers, 20mm Gatling Guns, and at least one M134 Mini Gun.    

Now, here’s the story in Missouri.  

On August 28th, the Show-Me State’s Second Amendment Preservation Act went into effect over Slow Joe’s team’s weak pleas.

Missouri’s statute would fine law enforcement agencies that try to enforce federal laws that infringe on the right to bear arms under the U.S. and state constitutions $50,000 per employee hired by the agency.  

But not before the Biden Department of Justice sent out a limp letter attacking the Missouri sanctuary law.  That letter, signed by Acting Assistant Attorney General Brian Boynton, preened, “The public safety of the people of the United States and citizens of Missouri is paramount.”  No word on when Mr. Boynton – not to mention Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch – will similarly scold illegal alien sanctuaries.

Missouri’s Governor Mike Parson and Attorney General Eric Schmitt have spoken out against the Biden Administration’s attempt to stymie the state’s Second Amendment sanctuary status.  “We will fight tooth and nail to defend the right to keep and bear arms,” their response letter states.  “We will not tolerate any attempt by the federal government to deprive Missourians of this right.”    

According to their letter, “Missouri is defending its people from federal government overreach by prohibiting state and local law enforcement agencies from being used by the federal government to infringe Missourians’ right to keep and bear arms.”

The Show-Me State leaders charged that Mr. Biden’s DOJ had deliberately leaked its letter, which they called “riddled with a misunderstanding of the law and falsehoods.”

“In April, the Office of Justice Programs reportedly repealed the Department of Justice’s policy that required recipients of a law enforcement grant to cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement as a condition of their funding,” their letter points out.  

As a result, the leaders argue in their letter, “President Biden and the Department of Justice have decided to reward states and cities that refuse to cooperate with enforcing constitutional immigration laws that protect our citizens against foreign threats, but now they attack Missouri for refusing to cooperate with enforcing unconstitutional gun confiscation laws that put our citizens in danger and degrade their rights.”

“We will reject any attempt by the federal government to circumvent the fundamental right Missourians have to keep and bear arms to protect themselves and their property,” insisted the state’s GOP Governor in a separate statement.  

Of course, mainstream media flouted the truth in reporting the flap.  In highlighting the DOJ’s letter, for instance, Michael Balsamo of the Associated Press incorrectly reported that the law would “penalize local police departments if their officers enforce federal gun laws” – simply leaving out that the bill applies only to unconstitutional anti-gun measures.  Mr. Balsamo then breathtakingly and brazenly asserts the bill would fine agencies for enforcing “any federal laws.”  Fact check: False.  

Likewise, Carlos Moreno, a “visual journalist” (whatever that is) for the Kansas City NPR affiliate, went further, flatly lying that Missouri’s law invalidated “all federal gun laws past, present, and future.”  What a whopper!  

Despite media malfeasance and Mr. Biden’s bluster, the Second Amendment sanctuary movement continues to gain steam.  For instance, a court recently sided with Gun Owners of America and its allies against former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group on the Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance (SASO) passed by the citizens of Columbia County, Oregon.  

More broadly, over 60 percent of American counties are now Second Amendment sanctuaries.  Eleven of Iowa’s 99 counties are now second amendment sanctuaries, as well.  More than 100 counties, cities, and towns in Virginia have approved such resolutions.  The measures are spreading like wildfire.  

The bottom line: While the Taliban is on patrol with arms gifted them by Joe Biden’s team, that same team is trying to force Missouri to enforce explicitly unconstitutional gun laws on Americans.  

It makes you wonder whose side Joe Biden is on.  

• John Velleco is the executive vice president of Gun Owners of America, a national grassroots lobbying organization with more than 2 million members and supporters.

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