- Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The Democratic Party loves spending trillions of dollars we don’t have and then just raising the debt ceiling to “cover” the constant shortfall. Michael McKenna (“Let the incompetent Democrats own the shutdown,” Web, Sept. 6) is right that the Republicans should not help the Democrats avoid a government shutdown by supporting foolish appropriations and their $3.5-trillion reconciliation package.

For the past year and a half, government employees have not missed a paycheck, a health-insurance payment or any other benefit — while much of the rest of the country has been trying to keep its head above water. Supposedly these employees were “teleworking.” That is a joke, as anyone who has tried contacting a government agency during that time can attest.

Let the government employees see what it feels like not to have their pay and generous benefits guaranteed. Unlike regular citizens who lost their jobs and had income and benefits permanently eliminated, government “public servants” only have their pay and benefits postponed temporarily. They are always restored when the kerfuffle is over.


McLean, Va.

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