- Tuesday, September 7, 2021

In my opinion this is not the time to impeach President Joe Biden. It is time overdue, instead, to arrest him and try him for treason. His actions while in office (and the evidence against him since the day of his inauguration) will easily stand up as sufficient to justify a trial by military tribunal.

I did not vote for the man in 2020 but he has on his own turned out to be a colossal disappointment, a criminal and a traitor to the American people and the U.S. Constitution. He is a communist fellow traveler intent upon destroying the United States of America and all of its institutions.

“Uncle Joe” could not have done the damage he has done in so short a time without help from traitors in both the Democratic and Republican parties, people who are equally traitorous and therefore also deserve to face a military tribunal for their crimes.

If we do not do this thing, by 2022 and 2024 there will be no constitutional America worth saving with our still-rigged elections.


Blythe, Calif.

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