- Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Lies. Double-talk. Word salads. Idiotic nonsense. This is how the Biden administration has chosen to communicate with the American people and the world about the continuing unspeakable atrocity of how President Joe Biden and his team of fools withdrew from Afghanistan

Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, the slow-motion Biden train wreck allegedly impeded the civilian efforts to evacuate Americans and those who helped us. The State Department is even attempting to falsely take credit for the work of a successful private rescue of four Americans.  

Reminding us of the strange and deadly choices our own government is making in the aftermath of handing Afghanistan over to a terrorist group is the allegation that planes arranged to take Americans and our interpreters and other special helpers has been stopped by our own State Department.  

According to Fox News, David Rohde the executive editor at NewYorker.com told MSNBC that it is our own government causing problems with ongoing efforts to save Americans and so many others who should have been at the front of the list to escape. “I want to repeat that,” he said. “It is the State Department and the White House” holding up the planes. He said the civilian effort has been “far more ambitious, far more dynamic and far more successful than what the administration has been doing,” telling the network it was the staff of Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal who revealed this to him.  

This refusal by the State Department to allow chartered planes landing rights has now been confirmed through a leaked email provided to Fox News by one of the civilian rescue organizers.

Glenn Beck, who raised $22 million to help arrange the mass evacuation, also alleged on his radio program that it was our own State Department that is impeding the rescue.

The Blaze reported, “Over the weekend, news broke that multiple planes had been prevented from taking off after the Taliban refused to grant permission for the departure. But according to Beck, it wasn’t the Taliban that initially stopped the planes from exiting the country. … Rather, it was the State Department that refused to grant landing clearance to the planes, preventing them from departing. The department allegedly called off the flights at the last minute, declining to approve the manifest. He added that U.S. officials went on to hand over the manifest to the Taliban.” 

Another kill-list handed to the Taliban? They did this once before because the Taliban needed the list to let people through to the airport during the initial withdrawal chaos. Sure. White House Press secretary Jen Psaki said the charter plane delay was due to a “paperwork” problem when asked about the situation.  

The sort of lie is another idiotic and insulting effort by the Biden administration to cast the Taliban as some organized, serious, normal government. Not only are they lying to the American people in the process, but they are acting as the Taliban’s global public relations entity as well.  

Suddenly, the White House magically knows that the number of Americans left in Afghanistan is “slightly under 100,” according to Ms. Psaki. Does this include the at least 123 that Mr. Beck’s group is trying to get out? And if that’s the case, how is it that Mr. Beck could find every single American still in Afghanistan?

And then there is the good news of the successful rescue of four American citizens using a land route. This was also done through a private contracting group that rescued a mom and her three children. Once that rescue had been completed and made the news, Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s clown car immediately attempted to take credit for that event like the juveniles they are. Their statement was dumb and desperate: “U.S. has facilitated the safe departure of four US citizens by overland route from Afghanistan. Embassy staff was present upon their arrival.”  

Do they think those who actually made that rescue happen would sit back and say nothing? Fox News reports, “Cory Mills and a private team of military veterans, drawing on funding by private donors including the Sentinel Foundation, led the effort to rescue Mariam and her three children from Afghanistan, where they had been left behind by the Biden administration, multiple sources with knowledge of Mariam’s evacuation confirmed to Fox News. … The State Department’s public posture about Mariam’s rescue is ‘absolute nonsense,’ Mills told Fox News in an exclusive interview Monday. ‘The fact that they’re spinning this, trying to take 100% credit when they didn’t track this family, when they placated this family, when the mother, who was under extreme stress and extreme pressure, reached out to the State Department multiple times and got no help.’ ” 

Rep. Ronny Jackson, Texas Republican, also noted to Fox, “The only thing the Biden administration seems to be good at is patting itself on the back for a job horribly done. This administration left my constituents behind in Afghanistan, and now they’re lying about their role in getting these four American citizens out.” 

With one hand, Mr. Biden’s gang is lying to the American people about their facilitating and fronting for the terrorist group that helped bring about Sept. 11th by impeding a rescue of Americans. On the other, their go-to response to an actually successful rescue that they could not stop is to take credit for it.  

I suppose this is what we can expect when a plagiarist and liar is running the country. 

This psychopathy continues to guide the Biden administration in everything. Those in positions of responsibility in our government must realize the horrors awaiting if these dangerous fools remain in power much longer.  

• Tammy Bruce, the author, host at Fox Nation, and contributor at Fox News is a radio talk-show host. 

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