- Thursday, September 30, 2021

As usual, I believe the wrong question is being asked about President Biden and the botched evacuation of Afghanistan, which resulted in the deaths of 13 American military personnel.

We’re now getting conflicting reports — actual under-oath testimony from top military leaders — contradicting the president. They have said that they did, indeed, advise Biden to leave a military force behind to help expedite the evacuation. Biden says that’s untrue or that he doesn’t “recall” it.

Whether Biden is lying or just showing signs of senility is a moot point. My question is, What man needs to be told that the “protectors” of a situation — the trained guys with the guns — need to be the very last people out of a dangerous situation, in order to protect the unarmed civilians? Does any rational-thinking person really need to be advised about this? Isn’t this the quintessential no-brainerjudgement call?

As I see it, this is way beyond a crisis in confidence. There are so many warning signs when it comes to Biden, so many red flags that he’s not fit to hold the office, that his very presence in the Oval Office endangers us all.


Medford, N.Y.

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