- The Washington Times - Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Senate’s parliamentarian shot down a second attempt by Democrats to shoehorn a large amnesty for illegal immigrants into the $3.5 trillion social welfare bill, leaving immigrant-rights advocates fuming and demanding action “by any means necessary.”

Elizabeth MacDonough last week ruled against a first attempt to write language granting a path to citizenship to as many as 8 million illegal immigrant “Dreamers,” people with humanitarian protections and those doing “essential” jobs. This week she ruled against Democrats’ “Plan B” option, which sought to update a registration date in existing law, opening a new window for millions of people to apply to adjust from illegal to legal status.

Sen. Richard Durbin, the Illinois Democrat who is spearheading his party’s efforts, said they will keep trying, but advocates are “devastated.”

“These people leave desperate lives for fear of a knock on the door, no future for the kids. And unfortunately, we can’t find the language to clear for the reconciliation,” he told reporters.

Reconciliation is the process that allows a budget package to pass without having to survive a filibuster vote in the Senate.

The hurdle for including amnesty is that to pass under reconciliation, proposals must be focused on spending and revenue.

Ms. MacDonough, the referee for Senate rules, is charged with ruling on what passes that test. She said last week that legalizing illegal immigrants is more a policy debate than a budget fix.

CASA, a major immigrant-rights group in the mid-Atlantic, said Democrats cannot let Ms. MacDonough be the stumbling block.

Senate Democrats must deliver for immigrants by any means necessary,” said Gustavo Torres, CASA’s executive director.

He said Senate Democrats, including Vice President Kamala Harris, who presides over the chamber, can “ignore” Ms. MacDonough’s ruling.

Democrats said they have a Plan C, though they weren’t ready to reveal it. They signaled, however, that it might be something shy of a full new pathway to citizenship.

After decades of false starts, Democrats had promised activists this would be the year they delivered on legalization.

Activists said party leaders will not be forgiven for losing this opportunity when Democrats control the White House, Senate and House — albeit by slim margins on Capitol Hill.

The activists are taking their frustration out on Mr. Durbin and Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer, New York Democrat.

The New York Immigration Coalition planned a rally outside Mr. Schumer’s Brooklyn home for Wednesday night, and in Chicago, activists say a rally Thursday will target Mr. Durbin.

Some immigration groups met with Mr. Durbin’s staff on Tuesday and emerged saying they were “angry and frustrated with the stagnation” in Washington.

“The groups demand he use his position in the Senate to draft a bill that legalizes our families NOW,” said Right 2 Family. “If that means he must override the parliamentarian, DO IT!”

• Stephen Dinan can be reached at sdinan@washingtontimes.com.

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