- The Washington Times - Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Most Americans no longer trust President Biden to give accurate information about the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the latest Axios/Ipsos Coronavirus Index.

Conducted Sept. 24-27, the survey of 1,105 Americans over the age of 18 reported that only 45% trust President Biden “a great deal or a fair amount” to give them honest information about the virus, while 53% trust him “very little or not at all.”

“Fewer than half now say they trust the president, a 13-percentage point decline from his high water mark right after his inauguration in January,” wrote the survey’s four authors.

In January, 58% of Americans said they trusted President Biden’s information about the pandemic.

Politically, the president has lost the most ground among independents, where a 17-point decline leaves only 42% trusting him a great deal or a fair amount.

The survey reported that the number of Americans who trust in the federal government to relay accurate information has also gone underwater, with just 49% saying yes compared to 54% two weeks ago.

It also noted that parents feel split about their children aged 5-11 getting the Pfizer vaccine, with 44% indicating they are likely to do so and 42% unlikely.

In July, the Biden administration purchased extra doses of the Pfizer vaccine as part of a general push to pressure Americans of all ages to get the shots.

The survey finally showed that Americans are starting to perceive less risk than two weeks ago in going out for air travel, meals, and to see friends, but that this belief has yet to change their behavior patterns.

Roughly two weeks before the survey, President Biden announced sweeping vaccine mandates and health restrictions as his poll numbers on the handling of the pandemic began sinking.

On July 4, shortly before the delta variant began ravaging the country, the president declared “independence from the virus” in remarks at a maskless outdoor barbecue on the South Lawn of the White House.

• Sean Salai can be reached at ssalai@washingtontimes.com.

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