- Monday, September 27, 2021

Last week Joe Biden loudly condemned a part of his own executive branch, becoming the first president ever to do so. His bitter denunciation was based solely on some pictures he had seen on TV, and without benefit of trial or jury. Of the U.S. Border Patrol, he said, those “people will pay” — instead of commending them. In doing so, he was discrediting the weeks of extraordinarily hard work done by the Border Patrol in trying to manage the tens of thousands of immigrants streaming illegally into Texas thanks to Biden’s wildly irresponsible statements declaring our borders open.

There are 19,648 Border Patrol agents, making the U.S. Border Patrol one of the largest law-enforcement agencies in the United States. In one angry speech, Biden managed to insult them all. Instead of announcing reinforcements, perhaps sending in thousands of marshals, army and air-force transportation units, as well as medical supplies and needed equipment, Biden betrayed the entire Border Patrol.

I doubt that Biden will ever be welcome at our borders again. He has already shown himself to be an enemy of both the governor and legislature of Texas. He has demonstrated to our veterans how worthless he is as a commander, and he keeps showing ever-larger numbers of people how much he is confusing dictatorship with democracy.


Dakota, Ill.

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