- The Washington Times - Monday, September 20, 2021

Pro-life forces are on high alert now that the Supreme Court is reviewing Mississippi’s law that limits abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy — which could lead the justices to reconsider abortion as a constitutional right.

The Susan B. Anthony List — a 900,000-member pro-life grassroots network — has already organized a wide-ranging prayer campaign which it hopes will upend the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision and “save lives,” the organization said.

The outreach is described as “a national prayer initiative for life” and includes a weekly national guided prayer via a conference call, plus a free, daily devotional guide titled “31 Days of Prayer for Life.” There is also an advisory on the complex legal issues at hand.

“We would love for you to join us for this vital piece of the fight we’re entrenched in, to pray that the sanctity of life be restored at the center of our nation until a decision comes down. Feel free to share this invite with colleagues, friends, and family who you think would be interested as well,” the organization says in its public outreach. Find the details at DobbsCase.com.

“Fifty years of unworkable jurisprudence has tied the hands of state lawmakers and made the United States one of only seven countries in the world – including China and North Korea – that allow abortion on demand for any reason up to birth. Americans overwhelmingly agree that this status quo is too extreme,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, in a statement shared with Inside the Beltway.

“We’re proud to stand with Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch, Solicitor General Scott Stewart, and the people of Mississippi as they champion life at the Supreme Court. It is time to follow the science and modernize our laws,” Ms. Dannenfelser noted.

Others are weighing in.

“States have the right to protect all of their citizens, including those developing in the womb. The law being considered in this case limits abortion after fifteen weeks when a baby’s heart has already beat millions of times, and the baby can feel pain. There’s no question that these human beings deserve both our compassion and legal protection,” said March for Life President Jeanne Mancini, also in a statement.

“We show the strength of our humanity when we protect the weakest among us” advised Ryan Bomberger, co-founder of The Radiance Foundation, a faith-based and “life affirming” nonprofit.

“The Radiance Foundation stands with Mississippi in its efforts to protect the most basic human right: life,” he said in a statement.


Inquiring minds want to know why Vice President Kamala Harris has taken on a new role as the “MIA border czar.”

Ms. Harris recently officiated the coin toss at a football game but has not visited the southern U.S. border or any other spot facing the serious challenge of illegal immigration.

“Kamala Harris hasn’t been to Del Rio, Texas. She hasn’t been to the Rio Grande Valley, the epicenter of the crisis. She is failing so spectacularly, even the Democrat mayor of Del Rio called her out,” reports Tommy Pigott, rapid response director for the Republican National Committee.

Indeed, Mayor Bruno Lozano took note in a tweet that Ms. Harris is able to visit the “fun events” nationwide.

“Where is the visit to Del Rio?” the city’s mayor asked

Mr. Pigott reasoned that “if Vice President Harris doesn’t care about the border, why is she still the border czar? Her priorities are stunningly misplaced. President Biden found time to go on vacation. She found time to go to a football game. They both have time to actually do their jobs, visit the border, and finally get local officials the resources they need.”


Uh-oh. This can’t be good.

“More than half of the country’s governors would like a moment of the president’s time – and soon: Twenty-six Republican governors are urging President Biden to do more to address the deteriorating situation along the southern U.S. border,” reports Philip Wegmann, White House reporter for RealClearPolitics.

He has the proof in hand.

“As chief executives of our states, we request a meeting with you at The White House to bring an end to the national security crisis created by eight months of unenforced borders,” the 26 governors wrote in their letter to Mr. Biden, which was postmarked for Monday and first obtained by the news organization.

They are asking for an audience at the White House within 15 days.

“The crisis that began at our southern border now extends to every state and requires immediate action before the situation worsens,” the governors declared.

“The letter is both a rebuke and an unwelcome distraction at a time when the White House is busy leaning on Congress to pass a $1 trillion physical infrastructure bill, a $3.5 trillion ‘human infrastructure’ package, all while approving a budget that funds the government and increases the debt limit, which is required to keep federal agencies from shutting down,” Mr. Wegmann said in his analysis.


Popular social media sites may appear to be invulnerable at times — but the truth is, interest seems to be declining in these ever-changing hotspots of information.

“As social media and technology companies face criticism for not doing enough to stem the flow of misleading information on their platforms, a new Pew Research Center survey finds that a little under half of U.S. adults (48%) get news on social media sites ‘often’ or ‘sometimes,’ a 5 percentage point decline from 2020,” says the Pew Research Center in a study released Monday.

The study found that just 10% of U.S. adults are likely to turn to social media sites as their regular news sources.

The survey of 11,178 U.S. adults was conducted from July 26 to Aug. 8 and released Monday.


• 5% of registered U.S. voters rate economic conditions today as “excellent”; 1% of Republicans, 4% of independents and 10% of Democrats agree.

• 25% overall rate economic conditions as “good”; 9% of Republicans, 19% of independents and 41% of Democrats agree.

• 38% rate them as “only fair”; 36% of Republicans, 48% of independents and 36% of Democrats agree.

• 31% overall rate them as “poor”; 53% of Republicans, 27% of independents and 12% of Democrats agree.

SOURCE: A Fox News poll of 1,002 registered U.S. voters conducted Sept. 12-15.

• Follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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