- Thursday, September 2, 2021

“The case to invoke the 25th Amendment against Biden” (Web, Sept. 1) is interesting, but it won’t happen. A simple look at the politics will lay out why. First and most important is the Afghan debacle, which has caused Biden to drop the “Uncle Joe” act and reveal a cold-blooded operator. This is the true Biden, the Delaware grifter he’s always been.

Second, the real power and king-maker here is not Harris, but Pelosi. Harris was a soldier in the Don Pelosi San Francisco political family. She was put in as vice president in exchange for Pelosi supporting Biden in 2020. With Don Cuomo first knee-capped and now eliminated and his political family in total disarray, Pelosi is the de-facto head of the Democratic Party.

It is clear Pelosi is dissatisfied with Harris’ performance and is unsure of her ability to actually do any better than Biden. If Harris stumbles out of the box (99% likely) the voters will turn savagely against the Democrats and 2022 will be a bloodbath up and down the entire ticket. There is in fact no support for Harris, even in the Democratic ranks, and it’s now a serious problem.

It is doubtful that Pelosi thought Biden would prove to be so utterly inept. Pelosi’s grand plan hinged on Harris stepping in, but it’s now clear she would be even worse than Biden.

The best way to demonstrate the trap is the polling showing that a real majority want Trump’s administration (though not necessarily Trump) back less than eight months into the Biden fiasco.


Wayne, Pa.

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