- Sunday, September 19, 2021

The Biden plan for paying for the $3.5- -$5-trillion spending plan calls for doubling the size of the IRS and hiring 87,000 new agents (“Biden’s ’long overdue’ tax hikes span from Wall Street to Main Street, from superwealthy to smokers,” Web, Sept. 16). Also, as part of this plan Biden will open up to the federal government the visibility of all your bank accounts and transactions. This is a big step toward socialism and the United States becoming a police state.

Biden’s “tax the rich” plan — which supposedly puts an extra burden on “only” those making over $400,000 a year and large corporations — is a farce. What it will do is drive corporations and the wealthy offshore, and greatly hurt the foundation of our economy: small businesses. Further, a recent Joint Committee on Taxation has revealed that the plan will also hurt, with a gradual tax increase, working people making $50,000 a year and even less. It will wipe out the middle class.

Biden’s claim is that “distinguished economists” approve his plan. Oh, really? Basic common sense says his “plan” is terrible. Our current national debt is $28.8 trillion. Biden’s plan will drive our debt up to a whopping $32.3-$33.8 trillion, placing the United States into an immediate financial crisis while our federal government scrambles to pay for it.

Out-of-control inflation will set in. Jobs will become less available since Biden is punishing corporations that are setting up outside of the U.S., so small businesses will be hurting and maybe even be closing.

How will this affect you, the working class? You will see gasoline prices rise dramatically at the pump, since Biden has taken us from an energy world leader to a dependent. This will also dramatically affect your home energy costs — heat, air conditioning and electricity. You will experience outages. The price of food, clothing and other necessities will increase dramatically. All forms of taxes, at every level, will increase. The new IRS Army will harass you on taxes, bank accounts and any other items it can use to squeeze money out of you to pay for Biden’s plan.

The U.S. dollar as the world standard of currency will be threatened and replaced, most probably by Chinese currency, as China carefully watches Biden’s plan fail miserably. The hundreds of thousands, even millions, of illegal immigrants who pour over our borders will begin to have a major negative impact on our country since we have allowed anarchy, not compassion and common sense, to rule.

This may be your very last chance to wake up. Pray, speak, write, question, legally protest, run for office at every level and vote while you still can.


Chicopee, Mass.

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