- The Washington Times - Friday, September 17, 2021

Counter the viewpoint of Anthony Fauci, and your viewpoint will be erased.

That’s the fate of rapper Nicki Minaj who dared to relay for her fans the story of one of her cousin’s friends who experienced impotence and swollen testicles after taking the coronavirus vaccine. It wasn’t long before the Twitter censors swung into gear.

“Nicki Minaj says her Twitter account was suspended for spreading COVID misinformation,” NME wrote.

You knew it was coming.

Minaj has a big enough following that a group of fans actually protested outside the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention building in Atlanta, calling for Americans to consider carefully the potential side effects of the coronavirus vaccine.

Local WGCL-TV reported some in the group actually changed, “Nicki Minaj told me the truth. Fauci lied to me.”

Expect more Twitter account suspensions to follow.

If there’s one thing the scientific community can’t stand these days, it’s critical thinking. Independent thinkers, cooler head questioners, individual researching — countering viewpoints: these are all threats to the pro-vaccine, pro-vaccine mandate types.

And Fauci is their leader.

The good doctor demands obedience; his minions in the media command the same.

“Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, has debunked a viral tweet from rapper Nicki Minaj that suggested the COVID-19 vaccine could cause reproductive issues,” CBS rushed to report. “Minaj, who has over 22 million Twitter followers, sparked controversy … for a series of tweets she posted about the COVID-19 vaccine ahead of the Met Gala.”

CNN rushed to report on behalf of Fauci, too.

In a segment in which he was questioned about the potential for reproductive issues due to the coronavirus vaccine, Fauci answered a resounding: watered “no.”

He first said: “The answer to that is a resounding no.”

He then said: “There’s no evidence that it happens nor is there any mechanistic reason to imagine that it would happen.”

You can always tell when Fauci’s obfuscating. He pulls out the big words — the ones nobody ever uses in normal conversations — and uses them to distract from the fact that he waters his own rhetoric. He first says “no,” then clarifies that “there’s no evidence” — which is another way of saying “I’m not positive,” or “I don’t know,” or “We haven’t studied that enough to know for sure.”

Obfuscation and deception — those are the Fauci specials. Those are the tools of his fake science trade.

But point that out and watch as the blackout comes. Voices who counter the Fauci narrative are voices that aren’t long in disappearing. The guy can’t stand for scrutiny — which by itself, is yet another bit of proof of his fake science.

Only spinmeisters, deceivers and liars, after all, can’t take the heat of questions.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE. Her latest book, “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise Or America Will Fall,” is available by clicking HERE.

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