- Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Joe Biden has persistently and purposely reversed effective border policies implemented by former President Trump to pursue a radical, open border, pro-amnesty agenda. Thankfully for families and communities, the rule of law is standing in his way.

Last month, the Supreme Court delivered a stinging blow to Joe Biden’s agenda and a win for Americans when it ordered the Biden administration to reinstate former President Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy. The policy requires those claiming asylum at the southern border to wait in Mexico while their case goes through the court process. This policy was put in place because federal officials have assessed many migrants apprehended at the southern border are making bogus claims of asylum – “gaming the system,” you could say – forcing a quick release into the United States, where they can wait for years while their court case is processed. The Supreme Court ruled the Biden administration likely violated federal law in its efforts to rescind this humane, common sense, and necessary program.

The Remain in Mexico policy has been crucial to border patrol’s efforts to handle the historic tide of illegal immigrants entering our country. More than 210,000 people were apprehended at the southern border in July – the highest monthly total in more than two decades. There have been more than one million apprehensions at the border since January 1st. More than 60,000 people claiming asylum have waited in Mexico because of the Remain in Mexico policy.

This decision by the Supreme Court is the latest development in a growing list of failures by the Biden administration to subvert the rule of law in an attempt to further an un-American open borders agenda which puts American families at risk and undermines our nation’s sovereignty.

In a different case last month, a federal judge blocked the Biden administration’s attempt to drastically restrict Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)’s ability not just to detain illegal immigrants crossing the southern border but even to stop and question them. The judge ruled the administration was skirting federal law established by Congress. When our border is overwhelmed, it is outrageous our president would pursue policies to prohibit law enforcement from merely questioning those entering our country.

In February, a federal judge indefinitely banned the Biden administration’s 100-day moratorium on most deportations, ruling the president’s executive order violated federal law. The deportation moratorium was a reckless attempt to fulfill a campaign promise to the president’s radical leftwing base. No campaign promise justifies hindering America’s ability to deport those who have broken our laws and pose a danger to our families and communities. With an annual budget of over $7 billion, America’s 6,000 ICE agents were only enabled to deport 3,000 individuals in May.

In just seven months on the job, Joe Biden has already established a clear and disturbing record of his determination to violate presidential norms and break the legal boundaries imposed on him. The president is not just violating his oath of office to uphold the laws and Constitution of the United States but deliberately seeking to break them.

Thankfully for Americans, this unhinged executive continues to be reined in. His open-borders agenda is stymied, by faithful executors of the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law, many of the judges appointed to the bench by President Trump. The courts must continue to prevent the Biden administration from taking actions that run counter to the text of our founding document, and all members of Congress must work to halt Joe Biden’s reckless and lawless border agenda.

• Roger Wayne Marshall is an American politician and physician serving as the junior United States Senator from Kansas since 2021.

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